MBZ’s rather large 3 bay locomotive shed features an attached administration building. Entirely constructed of brick this kit is rather challenging to paint and assemble.

Very large siding parts in this kit arrived heavily warped which required a little patience but overall not a big deal, the curvature in the parts seem to curl due to the laser-cutting process owing to the nature of this kit. One part I was unable to correct, the long wall on the administration building was not designed with a second structural cardboard to laminate with, I would recommend fashioning a stiff cardboard and gluing it with this part before installation.
Roof sheathing for the whole kit was not included as depicted in the instructions thus raw cardboard was the only provided roof which on its own is hideous, I built the roof sheathing out of 600 grit wet/dry sandpaper that I sanded lightly and airbrushed gray/black. No roof ventilation was included so I used spare parts from the Archistories shed kit which is an area to improve on in the future.

Careful brushwork around windows and the added highlight in the bricks.

Wooden doors were painted out on back of administration building. This kit included brick overlay at corners, but my kit had damaged/frayed bricks so the result was okay.

The brick panels have a very interesting pattern brought out by applying color by brush in one direction (left/right) and another color angled up and down: crosshatch. I also applied a variety of colors to the window glazing.

You can only win at building MBZ kits by embracing color which has been layered.

I spent a considerable amount of time under-painting the front of the bays and doors with transparent paint gradually building up to more opaque applications. Doors are wood and accepted paint differently than the paper sections.

Doors feature common small brass hinges which in this kit are challenging to install, but the doors can be permanently glued in place as another solution, not many modelers need moving shed doors.

I airbrushed the glazing to give a hazy grimy look which will be nice to feature with interior lighting including a flickering red light to suggest welding.
Note: I glued a piece of gray paper to the underside after completing the kit, I found the structure to have a rather weak base, and I don’t plan to install it on a layout for awhile.
If you suffer through this kit like I did and complete the building perhaps you will find satisfaction for it on your layout, I like the end result, it’s unique with big scale suggested.
Siding: Reynauld’s in IL is the dealer for MBZ, they also sell everything you need to light this building too!