A New Year and a new series for Marklin Z scale enthusiasts: “Pantone Color of the Year” freight cars. So far 2 cars have been presented coinciding with Pantone’s annual celebration “Color of the Year”: ‘Viva Magenta’ (2023) / ‘Peach Fuzz’ (2024).
Marklin 82164: 13-1023 Peach Fuzz
Pantone Color Matching System has been used widely by graphic designers and those in the print industry for 60 years. Developed from 18 basic colors each numbered and titled color can be faithfully reproduced using Pantone Matching System (PMS).
Marklin 82163: 18-1750 Viva Magenta
Pantone’s importance to the print industry perhaps inspired this new series. And maybe links with Marklin Magazin releases (2001 – present), it too makes reference to the print industry. And the unmistakable “Prussian Blue” painted freight cars and steam loco released in the series.
Marklin 82164: 13-1023 Peach Fuzz
Pantone describes Viva Magenta (2023): “….a pulsating color whose exuberance promotes a joyous and optimistic celebration….” And Peach Fuzz (2024): “It’s a velvety gentle peach tone whose all-embracing spirit enriches mind, body, and soul.”
Produced in HO as well as Z this new series is a “One Time Series.”
AB 47.137.11 Class EL-16AB 47.137.11 Class EL-16AB 47.137.11 Class EL-16AB 47.137.11 Class EL-16AB 47.137.11 Class EL-16
By now collectors of FR Freudenreich of Germany should be aware of Harald Freudenreich’s new company: Atelier Barkvieren (AB). The only significant change has been logo and rebranding: articles continue to be presented in custom acrylic boxes with new logo ‘AB’ in red versus FR’s former blue logo. The recent release electric locomotive for NSB as Class EL-16 is evidence of Harald’s continued high level of design/craftsmanship/execution in Z gauge.
AB 47.137.11 Class EL-16
Locomotive could be ordered analogue or digital, I ordered mine as analogue. As with most locos produced by Harald Freudenreich this one is no different exhibiting substantial weight for pulling long trains. Further this loco has a maintenance free motor which he has installed in locos for years prior to Marklin’s current practice.
AB 47.137.11 Class EL-16AB 47.137.11 Class EL-16
This is a lovely loco with very bright red paint scheme and yellow snowplows. Paint scheme is distinctive as it is used by the NSB Railway (Norwegian State Railways). The former company FR produced another electric loco for NSB as Class EL-18 (47.198.10) in an edition of 30. This loco included a modified Class 460 Marklin shell repainted and lettered, it included a snowplow that required separate installation by collector following small modification to shell. Surprisingly Marklin never produced this loco in Z although one was produced for HO, perhaps a future release is in the making?
FR 47.198.10 Class EL-18FR 47.198.10 Class EL-18FR 47.198.10 Class EL-18FR 47.198.10 Class EL-18FR 47.198.10 Class EL-18FR 47.198.10 Class EL-18: snowplows are cast metal, they were glued on to shell after shell modification unlike locos that followed with plows attached to truck assembly
Performance of this loco is exceptional of course with 4 operating lights activated for direction of travel, but trailing lights are not included. The loco I ordered is non-digital, it is robust, but motor noise is noticeable perhaps due to my basic test track installed directly on plastic table, cork or foam roadbed will certainly deaden the sound. Not sure if the digital version includes sound, and I don’t know if it features a VELMO decoder. My train collection is mostly for display thus opting for the analogue version of this loco made sense for me. I have digital FR locos and a few Marklin ones too, and they provide an experience running trains on par with their HO ccounterparts with surprisingly loud and defined sound features.
AB 47.137.11 Class EL-16 + FR 47.819.02 “Motortransport”
Detailing includes numerous add-on parts including mirrors that are silvered. Roof equipment is well detailed and pantographs are item specific and scaled accurate unlike the more generic Marklin pantos.
AB 47.137.11 Class EL-16 + FR 47.819.02 “Motortransport”
Paired with the earlier release freight set: 47.819.02- Norges Statsbaner AS (Norwegian State Railways-NSB) “Motortransport” 4 car set with two pairs of permanently coupled type Hccrrs autotransportwagens privately owned and lettered for Auto Transport Service A.s. Drammen. Four car set includes 2 pairs locked together with drawbar and vestibules.
AB 47.137.11 Class EL-16 + FR 47.819.02 “Motortransport”AB 47.137.11 Class EL-16 + FR 47.819.02 “Motortransport”AB 47.137.11 Class EL-16 + FR 47.819.02 “Motortransport”
Marklin 88971 Class 44 Steam LocomotiveMarklin 86306-01_611 886Marklin 86306-01_611 886
Sixteen years ago (2008) Marklin released 86306 as a One Time Series: “Langer Heinrich” (Long Henry) ore hopper set along with steam locomotive 88971 to complete the train set. Comprising 20 large capacity hoppers the complete car set measures 39 inches (end to end).
Marklin 86306-02_611 890Marklin 86306-02_611 890
The set was delivered in a cardboard box measuring 8 9/16 x 7 5/16 x 2 inches with display features (illustrated fold-out) for dealers at their store whereby individual cars could be purchased from the set. Sold also as a complete set with high price tag: as memory serves over $800 U.S.
Painted and lettered for the DB (Era III) 20 type Fad-50/OOtz large volume hoppers for ore or coal comprise set 86306.
So why post this set now some 16 years after its release? Simple answer: what a beautiful collection of hoppers. Each hopper is painted and lettered with its own car number, plus hoppers feature weathering and real iron ore load. Very realistic down to the smallest details, every car is unique thus this post includes photos of both sides of each hopper.
Marklin 86306-01_611 886
Included in the caption is the item number followed by car number to help assist in identifying these cars.
Based on the post-war prototype which ran from Ruhrgebiet to Emden, Germany the Langer Heinrich was double-headed by 2 Class 44 Steam Locomotives.
Marklin 88971Marklin 88971
The heavy weight of the Marklin cars may require 2 Class 44’s for pulling power thereby creating the prototype train. Marklin 88971 was the loco designated for this set which features a 5-Pole Motor: last generation motor.
Note: hopper 14 is incorrectly identified with car #612 206 in Collection: Marklin Spur Z (2015), correct number is 612 208.
I am a self professed Christmas Toy nut thus collecting all things Christmas in Z comes easy. But because they are fantasy designs serious railroading fans scorn the addition of such rolling stock on their layouts: many are good friends that I respect a lot for their knowledge and commitment to the hobby and history of trains thus I get it, but for all others Marklin’s 2 offerings this year are a hit!
First there is 80633 Christmas Ornament Car continuing the yearly special edition begun in 2000. This year it is the first Christmas car designed around the all familiar baggage/luggage car painted chocolate brown with a tasty ornament design strung along its sides. This beautiful car is housed in an acrylic gingerbread house. And a ribbon is included for the tree. Outer carton carries the label “Made in Germany” which is unusual these days for Marklin Z items: no matter however. The outer carton is beautifully printed and designed, but with Marklin Z Christmas Ornaments the carton is often dented and creased, this year is no different: too bad! Car and ornament are always delivered perfect by contrast.
Big deal for Christmas this year is the Christmas steam locomotive and tender, it is based on the classic heavy freight Class 50 loco and features a beautiful wispy Christmas themed design previously incorporated into design of Marklin 55389 Gauge 1 ‘P8’ (2016) and Marklin 37899 HO Class 50 (2016). Both former releases featured lit Christmas trees on the front buffer beam as well Christmas tunes from the sound-board as a digital feature. It took Marklin a few years to produce and offer 88847 design used previous, and I believe it will be as popular as the Gauge 1 and HO Christmas locomotives. But there is an additional surprise: custom wood box housing locomotive features a pressure-sensitive device which plays “Jingle Bells” when box is open thus converting display box to music box too!
Siding: USA Dealers recently received loco 88847 already sold out at the factory.
Siding: Marklin produced a 2nd HO Christmas themed Class 01 with different design perhaps it will follow for Z? Hope so!
The motive power of this train set has origins to World War II. Designed to be less visible to Allied bombing than steam locomotives the Class V36 diesel locomotive was produced in small numbers with just over 250. Many V36’s survived well beyond the 2nd World War due to its reliability and easy maintenance, its removable side panels allowed easy access to the engine. Not sure how many perished before War’s end or their numbers Post War, but those that did survive seem to have served branch-line railroads for both passenger and freight plus shunting operations.
Marklin has thus far released V36’s alone and in train sets for various eras, this train set based on the 1960’s prototype for the German Federal Postal Service (Era III).
A couple of box cars along with one stake car are included in the set. Plus a Tempo 3- wheeler delivery vehicle painted yellow and lettered for the German Federal Postal Service.
The locomotive is small but fully capable of hauling the 3 freight cars in the set. Marklin describes locomotive’s construction mostly of metal. It might stall out in a turnout at slow speeds due to its short length, otherwise a good reliable locomotive in ‘Z’.
Z-Modellbau.de was the first to produce powered ‘Z’ gauge locomotives of this scale, but Marklin has caught up with their V36 models. Marklin has further surpassed what was possible in ‘Z’ with the release of Volkswagen Klv 20’s: 88025 + 88026. Of course all these developments are only possible due to the new generation motor Marklin is now using.
Set is delivered in Marklin’s current white box and includes: 1- Class V 36 Diesel Locomotive, 2- type Gmhs 53 boxcars, 1- type Rmms 33 stake car with a brakeman’s platform, and 1 Tempo 3-wheel delivery vehicle with movable rubber tires.
This is an MHI Release thus it is only available through MHI Dealers.
Siding: buildings featured in this post are Faller laser-cut kits recently released.
I plan to spend a little more time with this model in a future post, but for now I am sending a shout out to anyone interested that now is the time to track one down even if you have a preorder for it.
Marklin 88146 (released 2021)
In October (2021) Marklin sent a letter to dealers announcing a limited release of this model, they further explained the release would be smaller than anticipated and not all customers with preorders would receive one. I am one such customer thus when one became available on Ebay I ordered it. Some models might still be available through Marklin’s USA Dealer network or German dealers on Ebay.
Note about the model: small steam powered locomotive with passenger compartment based on the Era II prototype with paint and lettering for the German State Railroad. Manufactured in China, Marklin 88146 is a companion to the earlier release 88145, both are similar in appearance with the exception of paint and lettering, add-on parts and mechanism are identical. Collectors sometimes comment on Chinese manufacturing as a problem, but every add-on part which there are many was individually applied. And this level of production with a Marklin Z release is usually well done in China. “Usually” is the word of the day: my first 88146 was missing the left hand side rod, my second one was missing the add-on part installed behind left cab window. Both defects are covered by Marklin’s 2 Year Warranty, but I will be without this locomotive for quite some time.
Paint, lettering, and details are finely produced on this model, it is a perfect locomotive to feature in a small railroad perhaps in a country setting too! It could be conceived to be a railcar propelled with steam propulsion, this all-in-one locomotive with passenger compartment can be hitched to a coach or freight wagon as the prototype required. Two Nuremberg Toy Fair cars from 2008 and 2017 complete the train each commemorates German Railroad history. The 2008 Toy Fair car painted and lettered for the RHEINGOLD train, and 2017 Toy Fair Car commemorates the 60th anniversary of Trans Europ Express.
Marklin’s MHI Release 81356 includes a new design Class 141 electric locomotive and 3 “Silver Coin” coaches comprising their “Commuter Service” train set, but first let’s look at the loco’s new design.
Under the shell are numerous new details at work to support the new motor concept currently being used in new locos. A few basic observations are the robust cast metal frame supporting the circuit board and trucks. Another interesting detail about the frame is its split design: frame is actually two parts held together with 6 machine screws located variously: 1 pair each end and 1 pair in the middle inside an easily removable section between the trucks. Circuit board is sandwiched between the two sections of frame as are all inner workings, and lamp circuit boards are held in slots front and back, two small pieces of black foam are installed between the two sections of frame below the lamp circuit boards. Everything looks different than a traditional Marklin Mini-Club model, but similar in their straight forward design thus it is possible to take it apart but with some difficulty.
Removal of 6 screws holding the frame together should provide easy disassembly of the loco but that is not the case. Bushings holding the frame parts and screws are tightly fitted and prone to breaking plus circuit board is taped down on one end (2 bushings on my loco were stripped with a crack in one). And freeing the circuit board is half the battle as the frame is gently pried apart a little at a time from end to end with care not to break the bushings. Bushings are tightly mounted in the frame thus the frame is tightly held together even without the screws, it appears the screws main job is expanding the bushings thus making a tighter connection with the the 2 part frame (?).
After the frame is pulled apart the trucks simply pop out, their plastic housings fit within indents in frame and secured by pressing the frame parts together. A further interesting detail about the trucks are the nylon gearing which have been greased not oiled at the factory. And coupler/spring assembly is secured by plate facing up rather than down as with previous locos. If there is a problem with coupler/spring which there shouldn’t be the loco will have to be taken apart to free the trucks.
A motor with robust worm drive is maintenance free (no brushes to be replaced) and quiet to run, but instructions do advise oiling the trucks from time to time (intervals of 20 hours run time). Note: small pieces of yellow acetate are mounted below both lamp circuit boards.
The loco in my set arrived with poor/non-working running characteristics, one truck stiff and seized (angled upward not parrellel to underside of shell): trucks should rock gently up and down with wheel-sets able to make contact with track. Taking the loco apart and reassembled fixed the problem: something was out of sync likely due to shipping. Not a big deal, but I would advise sending defective items back to Marklin thus receiving full warranty coverage, I don’t advise following my lead.
The shell of this loco is a real winner as can be seen on the roof with improved detailing with addition of add-on parts. And grab rails below windows on both ends. The latter was a great surprise! This set is part of a small handful of items in recent years manufactured in China following the Kittel of recent memory.
Marklin’s description of the set: German Federal Railroad (DB) “Commuter Service” train set: 1- class 141 electric locomotive with 5-light headlights / marker lights, multiple forced air vents with vertical fins, and a continuous rain gutter, 1- type Bnrzb 725 “Silberling” (Silver Coins) commuter car, 2nd class, 1- type ABnrzb 704 “Silberling” (Silver Coins) commuter car, 1st/2nd class, and 1- “Silberling” (Silver Coins) commuter cab control car, 2nd class, with an engineer’s cab. All of the units look as they did in Era IV. Special One Time Release for the MHI Program (Marklin Handler Initiative).
81356-1 (Class 141 electric locomotive)81356-281356-3 (Note: yellow stripe denotes 1st class section)81356-4 (note: headlamps, marker lights and destination board illuminate in both directions of travel
Siding: Parts List for this set does not include part numbers for retaining bushings for frame and no part number for circuit board, Marklin indicates parts on schematic without part numbers require Marklin repair department.
Not sure how many Z gauge railroaders were waiting for a tank transport set, but all indications when considering its popularity with other gauges suggest a few! And just learned today Era III is one of the more popular era’s for the German model railroading market further adding to the potential interest in this set.
Marklin 82229
What we have with this set are 3 heavy flat cars with tank loads in a box with a “MADE IN CHINA” label. Not sure if the label applies to tanks only and not cars? Or assembly origin? It doesn’t really matter as this set is superlative! Marklin indicates set as new tooling which applies not only to the tanks but also the Ssy 45 4-axle heavy-duty flat cars. A very similar heavy duty flat car was released for the first time years ago as 82351 for DRG (2000-2006), it was a type SSym 46. The SSym 46 would continue to have a flourishing history in the Marklin line-up, it was released in sets, singular car releases with various loads, and special imprints too. But excluding a general similarity in appearance between the Ssy 45 and SSym 46 certain details including length vary. For one the total length of the SSym 46 is longer (7/16 inch) and heavier, and they each share differences in the equipment detailing. Six wheel trucks are used on the SSym 46’s versus 4 wheel trucks on the Ssy 45’s.
Marklin 82229
Three Leopard 1A1 tanks are loaded on the flat cars based on the prototype from Era III for the DB. Tanks are beautifully cast in plastic with imprinting. After a thorough inspection of each I cannot detect any flaws. Turrets are separate from the tank bodies and secured with screws: each rotates. Due to the lightness of the tanks and the likelihood they fall off the moving cars 3 pieces of gray weighted material is included, instructions state to roll each up into a log and place inside the tank. The weighted material is considerable in weight and will not damage the cars or tanks so states the instructions. Stakes are also included with the set. The well known firm of Schuco manufactured the tanks which comes as no surprise since anyone’s guess would be Schuco based on fine detail and quality.
Marklin has released for the first time coach set 87513 painted and lettered for DR/GDR with car type Daai baggage car and Baai 2nd class coaches. Falling within Era IV this set depicts a prototypical passenger set for East Germany as operated by the German Democratic Republic (1949-1990) and DR. Marklin mates this set with the soon to be released steam locomotive 88032 which is based on a class 37 locomotive from 1970. Attractive 2nd class coach set based on the prototype with few comforts with no nonsense green paint scheme and bold ‘DR’ lettering.
Marklin 87513_1a (Type Daai baggage car) Marklin 87513_1b (Type Daai baggage car)Marklin 87513_2 (Type Baai 2nd class coach)Marklin 87513_3 (Type Baai 2nd class coach)Marklin 87513_3 (Type Baai 2nd class coach)
Based on the DB class Klv 20 maintenance-of-way vehicle Marklin’s 88025 is surely the smallest powered vehicle in ‘Z’ gauge history. Railex was probably the first to offer small locomotives for Z with their line of Kof shunting locos, but each was mechanical or non-motorized. Z-Modellbau is another evolution in small locos featuring various small locomotives including railcars and Kof’s. And they feature very good powered designs with brushless motors. But this new Marklin offering goes further, it is the smallest powered vehicle thus far for Z gauge railroading based on a modified VW bus used for MOW service.
Many photos of this vehicle exist with a simple google search, but I haven’t seen one featuring what appears to be a rack with bins on the roof, I am assuming it is a storage feature for tools, but I cannot verify this even after much research. Photos of the prototypes show headlamps covered over and non-functioning, instead they featured a pair of lamps installed either side of windshield, perhaps the prototype could not be modified for rail use while keeping the stock VW headlamps? Marklin’s model depicts headlamp area covered or as part of the body contour thus no functioning headlamps.
One of the recent examples of Marklin’s new technologies for Z is metal incorporated in the casting plastic for electric and diesel locos, adding a little weight in the shell is a genius move and adds to the overall better running of these locos, I tested this tiny crew bus through a turn-out without any skipping or hesitation: exceptional runner!
The impressive comparative size of the 88025 alongside the recent release 88484 (SJ RE 14).