Archistories: Interlocking Tower


The interlocking tower by Archistories follows two formal attributes associated with the Prussian red brick architecture found in numerous other Archistories buildings + the Sanders water tower’s exposed timber structure. The interlocking tower is small and a bit of a challenge to assemble because it is small with numerous small parts. The small parts do not need a lot of glue just a drop applied with a pin will suffice with the stair risers. A cool detail of this building are the throw levers which are authentically portrayed, adding a light to the control room will highlight this detail. The Faller interlocking tower we all have known for many years is a bit clunky by comparison to Archistories which is a finer example of what was once seen beside the rails, constructed of mixed materials of ample size for the important functions of this type of railroad building. If you plan to equip this building with light you must do it when the building is under construction, you will find it impossible to insert light to the second floor at the end of the project. Here is a building that makes modeling in z today more exciting than ever!!!!

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