from left to right:
- BR V 160 with operating number V 160 003
- BR 216 with operating number 216 188-3
- BR 218 (without stacks) with operating number 218 320-0
- BR 218 (with stacks) with operating number 218 217-8
A close look into the grills and ends of lovely diesel locos starts with these locomotives classes due in part to paint schemes of mixed variety. And private industry offered bit parts in this illustrious history.
from left to right:
- 8866- DB, BR V 160 “Lollo,”operating number V 160 003
- 81411- HEG, former BR V 160, operating number BR V 31
- 88782- DB, BR 216 (following 1968 German loco reclassification), operating number 216 005-9
- 88785- DB, BR V 160 “Lollo,” operating number V 160 005 *note the brighter grill than that of 8866
5. 88784- DB, BR 216, operating number 216 188-3 6. 88783- DB, BR 216, operating number 216 199-0
7. 81782 (starter set)- H.F. WIEBE, former class 218, privately owned with no operating number 8. 8880- DB, BR 218, experimental paint scheme, operating number 218 217-8 9. 88786- DB, BR 218, operating number 218 320-0
10. 88787- DB AG, BR 218, operating number 218 260-8 11. 8879- DB, BR 218, operating number 218 104-8 12. 8878- DB, BR 218, operating number 218 438-0