In the late 1970’s thru now Marklin Special Imprints have been available on a very limited basis. As older collections are dismantled and sold these rarities can only be found occasionally on Ebay. Growing a collection of special imprints takes time and commitment due to their very limited availability, but the hunt is fun! Marklin has continued to produce special imprints cars mostly commemorating train events, but the early cars celebrated a vast array of products and manufacturers with very exciting graphics and always featuring the Marklin “m”. The Marklin “m” on the sides of these cars indicates printing by Marklin versus its omission on privately printed cars known as “Industry Prints” equally rare and sought after.
In the Marklin Special Imprint category is the 8600 type refrigerator car, this car type has been used more than any other for special imprints possibly owing to its smooth sides.
Printed in small numbers these commissions are often limited to 100-200 worldwide with the Swiss Hbis car types printed in editions of 300 and others of 500. A good reference for SMI’s is Koll’s Spezial Katalog 1996 + 1997, both highlight year produced, edition size and value. Pricing SMI’s is tricky business possibly due to their infrequent appearance in the market, but rare items tend to be hard to price in general.
Here are four recent finds on Ebay:

1. NORTHEIMER DIAT PILS, Koll’s #87018 (year produced 1987), edition: 100
2. DAB (Dortmunder Actien-Brauerei) Pilsener, produced in 1998 to commemorate the Intermodellbau ’98 1-5 April 1998
3. Lohrer Bier, Koll’s #88023 (year produced 1988), edition: 100
4. Bad Vilbeler Ur Quelle, Koll’s #88010 (year produced 1988), edition: 200
Siding: Koll’s published 4 books for mini-club collectors: KOLL’S PREIS-KATALOG MARKLIN Spur Z 1996 (standard releases), KOLL’S SPEZIAL KATALOG 1996 (SMI reference book), KOLL’S PREIS-KATALOG MARKLIN Spur Z 1997 (standard releases), KOLL’S SPEZIAL KATALOG 1997 (SMI reference book). The two standard release books are fun to look at, but the ultimate guide for standard releases is COLLECTION Marklin Spur Z released in 2015 by Thomas Zeeb, this book was released in a special boxed edition with the 2015 Toy Fair loco 88422: BR 111 with experimental paint scheme. Note: Marklin loco 88422 was originally released with the book, but it is also being sold now without the book, before you order one ask the dealer if it includes the book.