I plan to spend a little more time with this model in a future post, but for now I am sending a shout out to anyone interested that now is the time to track one down even if you have a preorder for it.

In October (2021) Marklin sent a letter to dealers announcing a limited release of this model, they further explained the release would be smaller than anticipated and not all customers with preorders would receive one. I am one such customer thus when one became available on Ebay I ordered it. Some models might still be available through Marklin’s USA Dealer network or German dealers on Ebay.

Note about the model: small steam powered locomotive with passenger compartment based on the Era II prototype with paint and lettering for the German State Railroad. Manufactured in China, Marklin 88146 is a companion to the earlier release 88145, both are similar in appearance with the exception of paint and lettering, add-on parts and mechanism are identical. Collectors sometimes comment on Chinese manufacturing as a problem, but every add-on part which there are many was individually applied. And this level of production with a Marklin Z release is usually well done in China. “Usually” is the word of the day: my first 88146 was missing the left hand side rod, my second one was missing the add-on part installed behind left cab window. Both defects are covered by Marklin’s 2 Year Warranty, but I will be without this locomotive for quite some time.

Paint, lettering, and details are finely produced on this model, it is a perfect locomotive to feature in a small railroad perhaps in a country setting too! It could be conceived to be a railcar propelled with steam propulsion, this all-in-one locomotive with passenger compartment can be hitched to a coach or freight wagon as the prototype required. Two Nuremberg Toy Fair cars from 2008 and 2017 complete the train each commemorates German Railroad history. The 2008 Toy Fair car painted and lettered for the RHEINGOLD train, and 2017 Toy Fair Car commemorates the 60th anniversary of Trans Europ Express.

Siding: Laser-cut cardboard building kit featured here is newly released (2021) by Faller as item #282773 (Eutin Pharmacy).