New at USA dealers is Marklin 88963 tank locomotive Class 86 painted and lettered for DRG (German State Railroad) from Era II. An early German tank locomotive built in the years 1928 – 1943 for passenger and freight. Used on main and branch lines, Class 86 is one of the “Jack of All Trades” locomotive types. According to the Wikipedia page: 775 Class 86’s were built by various German Factories for use in the Mittelgebirge Region. Have a look at the Wikipedia Page for other historical details.

Marklin’s latest model of this fine locomotive is outstanding with great detailing of body and running gear. Two LED headlights illuminate its path, water tanks run length of boiler up to the cylinders, its a treat to watch the lively action of the moving locomotive.

Marklin’s first class 86 for mini-club was in production for a number of years starting 1980 until 2008, its item number 8896 painted and lettered for DB thus Era III. In 1996 the locomotive was reintroduced as a One Time Series for the MHI Program: painted “photo gray” and lettered for DRG with item number 88961. Both locomotives were powered by 3 pole motors.

As it happens (often) Marklin did not release a coach or freight set to go with this Era II locomotive this year, but there are plenty of good choices already produced including the very finely detailed 4 car coach set: 87681. The set is so good I am expanding this post to include lots of photos of it.
To fully appreciate the interesting architecture and detailing we look at each car independently thus next 4 photos are 87681-1: Baggage Car with 2 pair of hinged doors each side. Car number 101 976.

87681-2: 2nd and 3rd Class coach with curtain drawn over lavatory window (one side). Car number 35 909.

87681-3: 3rd Class coach with curtain drawn over lavatory window (one side). Car number 79 867.

87681-4: 3rd Class coach with curtain drawn over lavatory window. Car number 79 847.
Released in 2002, Marklin 87681 was offered until 2008, it followed the earlier release and first time introduction of identical car types as set 8768 (1990 – 1995), this set was painted and lettered for DB.

Final photo includes Faller’s new laser cut building: “Old Spinning Mill” article #282742. A good building design, but roof material is challenging to work with as its heavy texture gives way to damage during bending for assembly. Only trick I have found with this material is to score bending joints with a sharp knife otherwise material frays and you won’t have clean folds for assembly. Expect some less than desirable results.
Siding: hard to find ‘dealer old stock’ of this set thus the secondary/used market is likely only possibility. Check car numbers to confirm you have to a complete set.