Category Archives: Steam Locomotives

Westmodel Z Gauge Saddle Tank Locomotive

My interest in Westmodel is new and old, I recently acquired my first models just weeks ago; they came from a dealer’s personal collection who lost track of their history. I’ve known about the company for many years, but I never had the opportunity to see a model in person. This post attempts to shed light on these amazing models from the now shuttered company Westmodel.

Few details sourced on the internet suggest Westmodel operated in Vienna, Austria (since 1973), its owner Klaus Bachmann produced model trains in various scales including: HO, HOe, HOm, N, Nm, and Z. Constructed of brass, locomotives were built with motive parts by Fleischmann and Marklin; my models include Marklin Z wheelsets. Today’s feature model utilizes a Marklin mini-club motor, frame and wheel sets. My research into the company is limited to web search which I hope is mostly accurate, I will revise/correct my Westmodel posts when new information becomes available. Interpreting the lineage of Westmodel is difficult, but they appear to have changed hands and moved over the years. Linie 8 GmbH was the last company to handle Westmodel articles as parts only (finished models were not available). In 2017 Linie 8 GmbH was liquidated. Errors in this history will be corrected as new details emerge through further research.

This post covers Westmodel #30062 for Z gauge: Saddle Tank Engine 0-6-0. Shell is constructed of brass with add-on parts including railings on water tank. Painted and lettered for “Lumber Co.” Interesting locomotive type is one of a kind in Z gauge: “tender-less” locomotive features water tank installed above boiler.

The model includes cast brass shell installed on Marklin mini-club locomotive frame with Marklin couplers, motor and wheels. Printed lettering on loco also features non-working headlights and shiny silver wheels. Best guess for date of manufacture is mid 1980’s or later. Westmodel articles in this scale were delivered in foam lined wood boxes with logo burned/stamped on lid.

After applying a little oil the locomotive operated flawlessly after an unknown time in storage. The locomotive’s considerable weight make it a good pulling locomotive for multiple cars loaded with logs and lumber.

Stayed tuned: future Westmodel posts will include N scale narrow gauge models featuring Marklin ‘Z’ wheel sets.

Happy Railroading!

Marklin 86306: “Langer Heinrich” Ore and Coal Car Set

Marklin 88971 Class 44 Steam Locomotive
Marklin 86306-01_611 886
Marklin 86306-01_611 886

Sixteen years ago (2008) Marklin released 86306 as a One Time Series: “Langer Heinrich” (Long Henry) ore hopper set along with steam locomotive 88971 to complete the train set. Comprising 20 large capacity hoppers the complete car set measures 39 inches (end to end).

Marklin 86306-02_611 890
Marklin 86306-02_611 890

The set was delivered in a cardboard box measuring 8 9/16 x 7 5/16 x 2 inches with display features (illustrated fold-out) for dealers at their store whereby individual cars could be purchased from the set. Sold also as a complete set with high price tag: as memory serves over $800 U.S.

Painted and lettered for the DB (Era III) 20 type Fad-50/OOtz large volume hoppers for ore or coal comprise set 86306.

Marklin 86306-03_611 899
Marklin 86306-03_611 899
Marklin 86306-04_611 918
Marklin 86306-04_611 918
Marklin 86306-05_611 925
Marklin 86306-05_611 925

So why post this set now some 16 years after its release? Simple answer: what a beautiful collection of hoppers. Each hopper is painted and lettered with its own car number, plus hoppers feature weathering and real iron ore load. Very realistic down to the smallest details, every car is unique thus this post includes photos of both sides of each hopper.

Marklin 86306-01_611 886

Included in the caption is the item number followed by car number to help assist in identifying these cars.

Marklin 86306-06_611 940
Marklin 86306-06_611 940
Marklin 86306-07_612 420
Marklin 86306-07_612 420
Marklin 86306-08_613 111
Marklin 86306-08_613 111
Marklin 86306-09_612 435
Marklin 86306-09_612 435
Marklin 86306-10_613 220
Marklin 86306-10_613 220
Marklin 86306-11_612 012
Marklin 86306-11_612 012
Marklin 86306-12_612 052
Marklin 86306-12_612 052
Marklin 86306-13_612 105
Marklin 86306-13_612 105
Marklin 86306-14_612 208
Marklin 86306-14_612 208
Marklin 86306-15_612 267
Marklin 86306-15_612 267
Marklin 86306-16_612 513
Marklin 86306-16_612 513
Marklin 86306-17_612 521
Marklin 86306-17_612 521
Marklin 86306-18_613 320
Marklin 86306-18_613 320
Marklin 86306-19_613 655
Marklin 86306-19_613 655
Marklin 86306-20_613 689
Marklin 86306-20_613 689

Based on the post-war prototype which ran from Ruhrgebiet to Emden, Germany the Langer Heinrich was double-headed by 2 Class 44 Steam Locomotives.

Marklin 88971
Marklin 88971

The heavy weight of the Marklin cars may require 2 Class 44’s for pulling power thereby creating the prototype train. Marklin 88971 was the loco designated for this set which features a 5-Pole Motor: last generation motor.

Note: hopper 14 is incorrectly identified with car #612 206 in Collection: Marklin Spur Z (2015), correct number is 612 208.

Just In Time: 88963 DRG Class 86 (new at USA dealers)!

New at USA dealers is Marklin 88963 tank locomotive Class 86 painted and lettered for DRG (German State Railroad) from Era II. An early German tank locomotive built in the years 1928 – 1943 for passenger and freight. Used on main and branch lines, Class 86 is one of the “Jack of All Trades” locomotive types. According to the Wikipedia page: 775 Class 86’s were built by various German Factories for use in the Mittelgebirge Region. Have a look at the Wikipedia Page for other historical details.

Marklin’s latest model of this fine locomotive is outstanding with great detailing of body and running gear. Two LED headlights illuminate its path, water tanks run length of boiler up to the cylinders, its a treat to watch the lively action of the moving locomotive.

Marklin’s first class 86 for mini-club was in production for a number of years starting 1980 until 2008, its item number 8896 painted and lettered for DB thus Era III. In 1996 the locomotive was reintroduced as a One Time Series for the MHI Program: painted “photo gray” and lettered for DRG with item number 88961. Both locomotives were powered by 3 pole motors.

As it happens (often) Marklin did not release a coach or freight set to go with this Era II locomotive this year, but there are plenty of good choices already produced including the very finely detailed 4 car coach set: 87681. The set is so good I am expanding this post to include lots of photos of it.

To fully appreciate the interesting architecture and detailing we look at each car independently thus next 4 photos are 87681-1: Baggage Car with 2 pair of hinged doors each side. Car number 101 976.

87681-2: 2nd and 3rd Class coach with curtain drawn over lavatory window (one side). Car number 35 909.

87681-3: 3rd Class coach with curtain drawn over lavatory window (one side). Car number 79 867.

87681-4: 3rd Class coach with curtain drawn over lavatory window. Car number 79 847.

Released in 2002, Marklin 87681 was offered until 2008, it followed the earlier release and first time introduction of identical car types as set 8768 (1990 – 1995), this set was painted and lettered for DB.

Final photo includes Faller’s new laser cut building: “Old Spinning Mill” article #282742. A good building design, but roof material is challenging to work with as its heavy texture gives way to damage during bending for assembly. Only trick I have found with this material is to score bending joints with a sharp knife otherwise material frays and you won’t have clean folds for assembly. Expect some less than desirable results.

Siding: hard to find ‘dealer old stock’ of this set thus the secondary/used market is likely only possibility. Check car numbers to confirm you have to a complete set.

Christmas Comes Once a Year: Marklin Delivers 2 in ‘Z’

I am a self professed Christmas Toy nut thus collecting all things Christmas in Z comes easy. But because they are fantasy designs serious railroading fans scorn the addition of such rolling stock on their layouts: many are good friends that I respect a lot for their knowledge and commitment to the hobby and history of trains thus I get it, but for all others Marklin’s 2 offerings this year are a hit!

First there is 80633 Christmas Ornament Car continuing the yearly special edition begun in 2000. This year it is the first Christmas car designed around the all familiar baggage/luggage car painted chocolate brown with a tasty ornament design strung along its sides. This beautiful car is housed in an acrylic gingerbread house. And a ribbon is included for the tree. Outer carton carries the label “Made in Germany” which is unusual these days for Marklin Z items: no matter however. The outer carton is beautifully printed and designed, but with Marklin Z Christmas Ornaments the carton is often dented and creased, this year is no different: too bad! Car and ornament are always delivered perfect by contrast.

Big deal for Christmas this year is the Christmas steam locomotive and tender, it is based on the classic heavy freight Class 50 loco and features a beautiful wispy Christmas themed design previously incorporated into design of Marklin 55389 Gauge 1 ‘P8’ (2016) and Marklin 37899 HO Class 50 (2016). Both former releases featured lit Christmas trees on the front buffer beam as well Christmas tunes from the sound-board as a digital feature. It took Marklin a few years to produce and offer 88847 design used previous, and I believe it will be as popular as the Gauge 1 and HO Christmas locomotives. But there is an additional surprise: custom wood box housing locomotive features a pressure-sensitive device which plays “Jingle Bells” when box is open thus converting display box to music box too!

Siding: USA Dealers recently received loco 88847 already sold out at the factory.

Siding: Marklin produced a 2nd HO Christmas themed Class 01 with different design perhaps it will follow for Z? Hope so!

Marklin 88146: Already Rare or at Least Hard to Find

Marklin 88146 (released 2021)

I plan to spend a little more time with this model in a future post, but for now I am sending a shout out to anyone interested that now is the time to track one down even if you have a preorder for it.

Marklin 88146 (released 2021)

In October (2021) Marklin sent a letter to dealers announcing a limited release of this model, they further explained the release would be smaller than anticipated and not all customers with preorders would receive one. I am one such customer thus when one became available on Ebay I ordered it. Some models might still be available through Marklin’s USA Dealer network or German dealers on Ebay.

Note about the model: small steam powered locomotive with passenger compartment based on the Era II prototype with paint and lettering for the German State Railroad. Manufactured in China, Marklin 88146 is a companion to the earlier release 88145, both are similar in appearance with the exception of paint and lettering, add-on parts and mechanism are identical. Collectors sometimes comment on Chinese manufacturing as a problem, but every add-on part which there are many was individually applied. And this level of production with a Marklin Z release is usually well done in China. “Usually” is the word of the day: my first 88146 was missing the left hand side rod, my second one was missing the add-on part installed behind left cab window. Both defects are covered by Marklin’s 2 Year Warranty, but I will be without this locomotive for quite some time.

Marklin 88146 (released 2021) + Nuremberg Toy Fair Cars (White Box Edition)

Paint, lettering, and details are finely produced on this model, it is a perfect locomotive to feature in a small railroad perhaps in a country setting too! It could be conceived to be a railcar propelled with steam propulsion, this all-in-one locomotive with passenger compartment can be hitched to a coach or freight wagon as the prototype required. Two Nuremberg Toy Fair cars from 2008 and 2017 complete the train each commemorates German Railroad history. The 2008 Toy Fair car painted and lettered for the RHEINGOLD train, and 2017 Toy Fair Car commemorates the 60th anniversary of Trans Europ Express.

Marklin 88146 (released 2021) + Nuremberg Toy Fair Cars (White Box Edition)

Siding: Laser-cut cardboard building kit featured here is newly released (2021) by Faller as item #282773 (Eutin Pharmacy).

Marklin Himmelreich Station Build Kit: 89709

Marklin 89709 (build-kit) and Marklin 88856 (class 03.10 Express Locomotive)

As many of us are familiar with laser cut card-stock building kits I won’t go into the details of handling/building with paper except to say they are superior to plastic in my opinion. True to scale and even more detail than the plastic kits we have been presented with for many years. Plus the material is opaque when lit from within for added realism. Biggest challenge with paper is gluing small parts and straight alignment!

Marklin 89709 (Bahnhof Himmelreich)

Onto the recent Himmelreich build-kit with Marklin item #89709 which is modeled after the “Bahnhof Himmelreich” located in the Black Forest having served the Hollental Railroad. As is stated in the item description the building is as it was before renovation. Numerous photos are available with a simple google search which all in all confirms a very good translation of the building into Z gauge.

Marklin 89709 (Bahnhof Himmelreich)

The build-kit is another collaboration with Marklin and the firm Modellbau Laffont who have designed and constructed kits for Marklin including the big Hamburg Dammtor station a few years back. Overall an enjoyable kit to build, but maybe too much for one session, I spread it out over 4 days working on it here and there. Many small parts require tweezers and finesse. Perhaps the kit lacks the solid material construction of an Archistories building, but it is non-the-less an interesting architectural model. The finished build looks good to me, but the station signs are those that need to be carefully cut out of the instructions with a matt knife: ugh! These signs are something to consider toning down in the future; they identify the building but cheapen the look of it too. No partition walls, if you plan on realistic lighting you will have the added step of masking. And finally chimneys need better design than are offered by this manufacturer.

Marklin 89709 (Bahnhof Himmelreich)

The odd pairing of Himmelreich station and the German Express Class 03.10 (Marklin 88856) locomotive is pure fiction; they are used here to illustrate scale. Stay tuned for more on the 88856 loco which is brilliant and beautiful.

Marklin 89709 (build-kit) and Marklin 88856 (class 03.10 Express Locomotive)

Good luck and have fun!

Black Forest Railroading – “Höllentalbahn”: Marklin 87507

BR 85 003 tank locomotive without smoke deflectors traveling across Ravennabrücke Viaduct (circa 1933)

Sometimes photographs are key evidence for prototypical modeling this one capturing the moment a BR 85 tank locomotive crosses the Ravennabrücke Viaduct in the Black Forest. Trailing behind are 5 coaches and baggage car of the type included in the new release “Höllentalbahn” Passenger Car Set: Marklin 87507.

Built in 1926-27, the Ravennabrücke Viaduct replaced a much earlier bridge (circa 1885) whose foundation sidings can be seen on the right. A rack railway was originally used until the BR 85 tank locomotive was designed and built in the early 1930’s .

This photograph and others in our collection are mostly stamped as belonging to Lokomotivbild-Archiv, Reichsbahn-Filmstelle, Berlin or Deutsche Reichsbahn and each includes numerous classifications and hand-written historical details. The photograph in this post however appears to have the correct operating number crossed out in the upper right (85 003) with the incorrect number more boldly represented on the photograph: only 10 class 85’s were produced. Our collection of vintage photographs from the Deutsche Reichsbahn archives will be included in upcoming posts including narrow gauge class 99’s so stay tuned.

Onto the model 87507, included in the 5 car set are coaches and baggage car: 3- type Bie 2nd class coaches, 1- type ABiwe 1st and 2nd class coach, and 1- type Pwie baggage car. And based on prototype from Era IIIb thus circa 1960. A great set featuring matte paint and very fine extensive lettering, it is also the announced mate for the upcoming release of 88889: BR 85 007. The new loco will be delivered with a build kit for a locomotive inspection station. And of course the new loco will have improved running gear detailing and new brushless motor, plus added treats include warning stripes painted on buffers and painted boiler bands. Please look for a future post featuring my favorite steam locomotive and its coach set! Plus more BR 85 historic photos too!

Without further ado:

Marklin 87507.1 (1st and 2nd class standard mainline coach)
Marklin 87507.2 (2nd class standard mailine coach)
Marklin 87507.3 (standard design baggage car)

Marklin 87507.4 (2nd class standard mailine coach)
Marklin 87507.5 (2nd class standard mailine coach)

Siding: Archistories Viaduct kit is a worthy candidate if you plan to model something similar to the above scene. Check it out at Z Scale Monster Trains or Z Scale Hobo. Note: your partner will enjoy the peace and quiet as you build this fun kit!

Archistories #128171 + #129171 (extension “add-on” kit)

Marklin’s 8800 Golden Lok from 1972

Marklin 8800 special Golden Loco (1972) and Archistories ARC-104171 Transfer Table Shed 
Marklin 8800 special Golden Loco (1972) and Archistories ARC-104171 Transfer Table Shed

In two years Marklin “mini-club” will be 50 years old, and this loco too! The common theme of course is gold in celebration of this milestone. The 1972 Nuremberg Toy Show would introduce ‘Z’ as Marklin’s new model railroad gauge; they touted it as the smallest in the world, it would eventually be eclipsed by T gauge thus becoming the second smallest gauge today, but who cares at this point.

Marklin 8800 special Golden Loco (1972)

Marklin produced the gold 8800 locomotive on the occasion of the 1972 Nuremberg Toy Fair and announcement of their new ‘Z’ gauge model railroad. Presented in a special box the gold locomotive was given to Marklin’s business partners (some have suggested it was a gift for members of the press?) at the 1972 event. Edition size is unknown, but it is fair to say limited. Interest in the model has waned over the years after reaching auction prices of $2000 twenty years ago (based on other collectors’ information and not verified by this author), today examples sell for $150- $300 sometimes missing the original box.

Marklin 8800 special Golden Loco (1972)

Many details about this model have been gathered over time from numerous sources thus some inaccuracies maybe unavoidable, as new information comes forward I will seek to update this post.

Marklin 8800 special Golden Loco (1972)
Note: plating reveals texture in the casting similar to gold-leaf which is not seen in painted versions
Marklin 8800 special Golden Loco (1972)

Looking out for counterfeit versions: one dealer told me years ago following high auction prices that Chinese firms were making fakes. I haven’t seen any fake versions, but another dealer told me fake ones have 5 chrome gears whereas originals have 5 openings in the oil pan with 4 bronze gears and 1 chrome one. The locomotive also featured the original 3 pole motor which was used in mini-club locos until the introduction of the 5 pole motor in 1998. Original shells were gold plated metal casting thus no tarnishing will further distinguish it as authentic. An original box is another helpful article to find with this loco, it featured wood grain in its design as other mini-club locos, but also featured metallic sheen too. Note to collectors: original complete box is perhaps equal in value to the locomotive.

Original presentation box for Marklin 8800 special Golden Loco (1972)

“Goldene Lok (Golden Lok)” and “Goldiloks (Goldilocks)” are nicknames given by collectors for the locomotive, but Marklin may have originally named it “Goldene (Golden)”. Produced in gold perhaps distinguishing it as being made during the Olympic year of 1972?

First fold-out: “She is a delightful present for her (you?) and much more” -Google Translate

Box features multiple fold-outs and text: “it (locomotive) is the symbol of the <Golden> chance 72” thus marketing the new gauge as “the first world record of the olympic year.” Further describing the attributes of the new small gauge we have all come to know and appreciate.

Original presentation box for Marklin 8800 special Golden Loco (1972)

Note: 50 years on and this little loco runs like a top due to the extremely good design and manufacturing at Marklin: here’s to fifty more!

Siding: rough performance and shaking with steam locomotives maybe due to bent side rods, if the side rods are bent inward they can impede smooth running, bending the side rods outward with great care should remedy it

Marklin BR 18’s, S 3/6’s and C’s: Survey in Z Gauge

Probably it’s the wind-splitter cab that makes the class BR 18 express locomotive recognizable, but its 4-6-2 wheel arrangement identifies it as a Pacific type. With its roots going back to Era I Bavarian class S 3/6 and Royal Wurttemberg class C are complimented by CIWL serie 231’s from Era II and III.

Marklin’s extensive offerings of this express locomotive type include sets with coaches (81…’s) and solo locomotives (88…’s).

Variations in the line-up are wide ranging and go beyond having/not having smoke deflectors and paint scheme to include various motive power: 3 pole, 5 pole, and brushless motors.

Marklin 88185- Royal Wurttemberg State Railways (K.W.St.E.) class C express locomotive. Era 1 (1915).
Marklin 88922- K.Bay.Sts.B. (Koniglich Bayerische Staatsbahn – Royal Bavarian State Railroad) BR S 3/6 express steam locomotive. One Time Series 2008.
Marklin 88923- K.Bay.Sts.B. (Koniglich Bayerische Staatsbahn – Royal Bavarian State Railroad) BR S 3/6 express locomotive. Era I. One Time Series for MHI Program – 2015.
Marklin 8108 (train set)- Societe nationale des chemins de fer francais (National Society of French
Railways/French National Railway Corporation) / Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits (SNCF/CIWL)- “Nostalgie Istanbul-Orient Express” Serie 231 Pacific express locomotive with tender. Era III.
Marklin 81080 (set)- French State Railroad / Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits (ETAT/CIWL) “International Long-Distance Express Train (Orient Express)”: BR 231 express locomotive with tender (ETAT). Era II. One Time Series 2008.
Marklin 88183- German State Railroad Company (DRG) BR 18.1 express locomotive painted and lettered for 1936 Olympics. Insider Club Model 1996. Era II. Operating number 18 137. One Time Series.
Marklin 8133 (set)- German State Railroad Company (DRG) “Rheingold” BR 18 (Pacific Express with operating number 18434). Era II.
Marklin 81331 (set)- German State Railroad Company (DRG) “75 Years of the Rheingold” BR 18.4 express locomotive and tender. One Time Series 2003.
Marklin 81332- German State Railroad Company (DRG) “90 Years of the Rheingold” BR 18.4 express locomotive with type 2’2’ T 26.2 tender.
Marklin 81426- German State Railroad Company (DRG) express locomotive with tender BR S 3/6 DRG Bavarian Group Administration (operating number 18 434) . Era II.
Marklin 88910- German State Railroad Company (DRG) BR 18.4 express locomotive with operating number 18 470.
Marklin 88184- German Federal Railroad (DB) BR 18.1 express locomotive based on 1954 prototype: Era III.

DB Tank Locomotive: Marklin 88955

Marklin 88955 class 74 Era III tank locomotive for German Federal Railroad (DB)

The class 74 tank locomotive painted and lettered for the German Federal Railroad is a recent release sort of (2017-2018), I got mine recently but it proved to be a rather difficult loco to get a hold of: I should have pre-ordered it! Other locos in this series with improved running gear based on the first generation 8895 (2000-2006) were much easier to find than this one. Perhaps some dealers have these in inventory, it is or should be a fairly popular loco lettered for the DB and based on Era III: a perfect loco for small railroads and regional passenger traffic.

Marklin 88955 class 74 Era III tank locomotive for German Federal Railroad (DB)

Several subtle modifications exist within the evolution of this tank locomotive for Z including brass bell prominently installed behind stack on the 88955. Identifying tank locomotives is easy, it is hard to miss the water tanks installed on the sides of the locomotive and coal hopper behind cab. Plus “tender-less” operation. Motor in the model is mounted vertically with worm-gear facing down, motor is 5 pole type with long brushes (part #89871) extending from the armature alongside the chassis providing current to the circuit board and LED lights. LED lights in this locomotive are bright and trailing lights continue to be rendered with paint versus working. Also features plastic couplers at both ends for push/pull operation.

Marklin 88955 + Marklin Special Imprint 98085: “Graffitiwagen-Knuffingen”
Marklin 88955 + Marklin Special Imprint 98085: “Graffitiwagen-Knuffingen” . Plus Faller 282704- Bahnhof Huinghausen.

The curious coach seen here with 88955 is the graffiti car issued by Miniatur Wunderland (Hamburg) as one time release in 2008 (600 total): Marklin 98085 “Graffitiwagen-Knuffingen” and Miniatur Wunderland’s Car #10.

Marklin 88955 + Marklin Special Imprint 98085: “Graffitiwagen-Knuffingen” . Plus Faller 282704- Bahnhof Huinghausen.
Marklin 88955 + Marklin Special Imprint 98085: “Graffitiwagen-Knuffingen” . Plus Faller 282704- Bahnhof Huinghausen.
Marklin 88955 + Marklin Special Imprint 98085: “Graffitiwagen-Knuffingen” . Plus Faller 282704- Bahnhof Huinghausen.

Faller’s continuing series of laser-cut building kits included this nice train station from a few years ago: 282704- Bahnhof Huinghausen (based on 1915 prototype).

Marklin 88955 + Marklin Special Imprint 98085: “Graffitiwagen-Knuffingen” . Plus Faller 282704- Bahnhof Huinghausen.

Siding: here is a link to Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg: