Marklin 88146: Already Rare or at Least Hard to Find

Marklin 88146 (released 2021)

I plan to spend a little more time with this model in a future post, but for now I am sending a shout out to anyone interested that now is the time to track one down even if you have a preorder for it.

Marklin 88146 (released 2021)

In October (2021) Marklin sent a letter to dealers announcing a limited release of this model, they further explained the release would be smaller than anticipated and not all customers with preorders would receive one. I am one such customer thus when one became available on Ebay I ordered it. Some models might still be available through Marklin’s USA Dealer network or German dealers on Ebay.

Note about the model: small steam powered locomotive with passenger compartment based on the Era II prototype with paint and lettering for the German State Railroad. Manufactured in China, Marklin 88146 is a companion to the earlier release 88145, both are similar in appearance with the exception of paint and lettering, add-on parts and mechanism are identical. Collectors sometimes comment on Chinese manufacturing as a problem, but every add-on part which there are many was individually applied. And this level of production with a Marklin Z release is usually well done in China. “Usually” is the word of the day: my first 88146 was missing the left hand side rod, my second one was missing the add-on part installed behind left cab window. Both defects are covered by Marklin’s 2 Year Warranty, but I will be without this locomotive for quite some time.

Marklin 88146 (released 2021) + Nuremberg Toy Fair Cars (White Box Edition)

Paint, lettering, and details are finely produced on this model, it is a perfect locomotive to feature in a small railroad perhaps in a country setting too! It could be conceived to be a railcar propelled with steam propulsion, this all-in-one locomotive with passenger compartment can be hitched to a coach or freight wagon as the prototype required. Two Nuremberg Toy Fair cars from 2008 and 2017 complete the train each commemorates German Railroad history. The 2008 Toy Fair car painted and lettered for the RHEINGOLD train, and 2017 Toy Fair Car commemorates the 60th anniversary of Trans Europ Express.

Marklin 88146 (released 2021) + Nuremberg Toy Fair Cars (White Box Edition)

Siding: Laser-cut cardboard building kit featured here is newly released (2021) by Faller as item #282773 (Eutin Pharmacy).

German E 18 Electric Locomotive: Marklin 88080 + 88088

Noticeable differences apply to Marklin’s Era III Class E 18 electric loco both on the outside and inner workings.

The Class E 18 electric locomotive was designed for express train service, it was built over a 20 year span starting in 1935 in Germany and Austria. Although it was designed for express train service it subsequently became an important general purpose locomotive. Marklin’s 88080 and 88088 are based on post war (Era III) prototypes.

Marklin 88080 was released in 2002, it stayed in the program until 2008. This attractive locomotive was the first mini-club Class E 18, its features include 5 pole motor and LED headlamps.

Marklin 88080
Marklin 88080

The recent release 88088 features a new motor designed to be maintenance-free: no longer are worn brushes changed out as was the case with the earlier 3 pole and 5 pole motors. The paint scheme is similar for both locomotives, but paint sheen varies: 88088 is matte (prototypical?), and 88080 is glossy which gives the paint an appearance of more saturation and maybe bluer looking.

Marklin 88088

Both generations of the E 18 are good runners with the 88088 running a little quieter and better at slow speeds. It should be noted that earlier versions of the E 18’s performance are exceptional: in my opinion no great improvement between the new release and the older versions, I don’t think a trade-in of the old for new is warranted: save your money for other new releases (?). Perhaps others may feel differently, but I have felt since its release in 2002 the 88080 ran superbly, and I still do, including all the various releases since 2002.

Marklin 88088 + Faller 282774 (Quakenbruck Town/City Hall)
Marklin 88088 + Faller 282774 (Quakenbruck Town/City Hall)
Marklin 88088 + Faller 282774 (Quakenbruck Town/City Hall)

How do they look? Paint scheme of 88088 maybe more prototypical (?). Paint is brighter on the 88080 due to its gloss finish.

Marklin 88080
Marklin 88088

Siding: releases of the E18 have included a bright pink/red instruction sheet placed over loco in box with instruction to store loco in box with pantographs fully extended thus to avoid breakage of the delicate roof details and wires rendered in plastic. This loco did not include this warning slip, but it is advised to store your loco with pantographs up!

New Marklin Z Loco Design and Groovy Train Set

Marklin 81356 (photo courtesy Marklin)

Marklin’s MHI Release 81356 includes a new design Class 141 electric locomotive and 3 “Silver Coin” coaches comprising their “Commuter Service” train set, but first let’s look at the loco’s new design.

Under the shell are numerous new details at work to support the new motor concept currently being used in new locos. A few basic observations are the robust cast metal frame supporting the circuit board and trucks. Another interesting detail about the frame is its split design: frame is actually two parts held together with 6 machine screws located variously: 1 pair each end and 1 pair in the middle inside an easily removable section between the trucks. Circuit board is sandwiched between the two sections of frame as are all inner workings, and lamp circuit boards are held in slots front and back, two small pieces of black foam are installed between the two sections of frame below the lamp circuit boards. Everything looks different than a traditional Marklin Mini-Club model, but similar in their straight forward design thus it is possible to take it apart but with some difficulty.

Removal of 6 screws holding the frame together should provide easy disassembly of the loco but that is not the case. Bushings holding the frame parts and screws are tightly fitted and prone to breaking plus circuit board is taped down on one end (2 bushings on my loco were stripped with a crack in one). And freeing the circuit board is half the battle as the frame is gently pried apart a little at a time from end to end with care not to break the bushings. Bushings are tightly mounted in the frame thus the frame is tightly held together even without the screws, it appears the screws main job is expanding the bushings thus making a tighter connection with the the 2 part frame (?).

After the frame is pulled apart the trucks simply pop out, their plastic housings fit within indents in frame and secured by pressing the frame parts together. A further interesting detail about the trucks are the nylon gearing which have been greased not oiled at the factory. And coupler/spring assembly is secured by plate facing up rather than down as with previous locos. If there is a problem with coupler/spring which there shouldn’t be the loco will have to be taken apart to free the trucks.

A motor with robust worm drive is maintenance free (no brushes to be replaced) and quiet to run, but instructions do advise oiling the trucks from time to time (intervals of 20 hours run time). Note: small pieces of yellow acetate are mounted below both lamp circuit boards.

The loco in my set arrived with poor/non-working running characteristics, one truck stiff and seized (angled upward not parrellel to underside of shell): trucks should rock gently up and down with wheel-sets able to make contact with track. Taking the loco apart and reassembled fixed the problem: something was out of sync likely due to shipping. Not a big deal, but I would advise sending defective items back to Marklin thus receiving full warranty coverage, I don’t advise following my lead.

The shell of this loco is a real winner as can be seen on the roof with improved detailing with addition of add-on parts. And grab rails below windows on both ends. The latter was a great surprise! This set is part of a small handful of items in recent years manufactured in China following the Kittel of recent memory.

Marklin’s description of the set: German Federal Railroad (DB) “Commuter Service” train set: 1- class 141 electric locomotive with 5-light headlights / marker lights, multiple forced air vents with vertical fins, and a continuous rain gutter, 1- type Bnrzb 725 “Silberling” (Silver Coins) commuter car, 2nd class, 1- type ABnrzb 704 “Silberling” (Silver Coins) commuter car, 1st/2nd class, and 1- “Silberling” (Silver Coins) commuter cab control car, 2nd class, with an engineer’s cab. All of the units look as they did in Era IV. Special One Time Release for the MHI Program (Marklin Handler Initiative).

81356-1 (Class 141 electric locomotive)
81356-3 (Note: yellow stripe denotes 1st class section)
81356-4 (note: headlamps, marker lights and destination board illuminate in both directions of travel

Siding: Parts List for this set does not include part numbers for retaining bushings for frame and no part number for circuit board, Marklin indicates parts on schematic without part numbers require Marklin repair department.

Rural Scenery Buildings by MBZ and Marklin Class 74 Tank Loco

Rural scenes for Z gauge are just one category of MBZ offerings. Another is railway buildings. For this post I am including examples of both. Plus the Marklin tank locomotive and beer car from starter set 81567 (2003- 2008).

Dealer inventories of MBZ Z scale kits are sporadic, Reynauld’s of Illinois seem to be MBZ’s exclusive dealer in the United States, but their inventories of the kits always run few in number even before the pandemic affected shipping from Europe. I have never had a problem ordering an MBZ item, they each have arrived eventually even the back-ordered ones. And patience pays off as nothing compares to MBZ.

The pros and cons of MBZ kits has been covered here before, and I would be remiss to recommend them again without those comments in case someone new has come across this post. Cons: MBZ kits are a bit primitive, cardboard warps easily, kits can smell burnt when they are removed from packaging, parts sometimes need extra cutting to remove from sheet, and sometimes parts are missing. Note: kits can be a struggle to assemble, and they require problem solving along the way. And some parts easily deform. Pros: after the kits are put together and painted they look great: “from another time”. And that is to say the buildings look authentically old.

A few general instructions: always prime every part before assembly with MBZ’s primer, this step will control the later saturation of paints plus strengthens the cardboard material. MBZ pigment paints soak into the cardboard, but the color can be built up with additional layers. Note: highly recommended to follow MBZ’s painting instructions. Don’t expect precision, it is best to give yourself over to messy and inconsistent paint application. Detail work can be done as the last step with traditional acrylic model paint for moldings and architectural details.

Here are the buildings I picked-up from a recent trip to Reynauld’s, barring duplicates this is all they had to offer me on this trip.

Train Attendant’s Hut (MBZ #16 016): 3/4 inch (height) x 9 1/16 inches x 3/4 inches. Paint: MBZ pigment paint 46 200 with charcoal dust: dry and wet application.

MBZ 16 016
MBZ 16 016

Machinery Shed (MBZ #16 063): 3/4 inch (overall height) x 1/2 inch x 3/4 inches. Paint: MBZ pigment paints 48 600 and 40 723

MBZ 16 063
MBZ 16 063

Framework Barn (MBZ #16 165): 1 5/8 inches (height) x 1 1/2 inches x 1 3/4 inches. Paint: MBZ pigment paints 46 280, 40 723, 40 612, 48 600, and 40 020

MBZ 16 165
MBZ 16 165
MBZ 16 165
MBZ 16 165
MBZ 16 165

Barn (MBZ #16 087): 1 9/16 inches (overall height) x 1 3/8 inches x 2 3/4 inches. Paint: MBZ pigment paints 46 280, 48 600, 40 723, and 48 060

MBZ 16 087
MBZ 16 087
MBZ 16 087

Massbach Train Station (MBZ #16 140): 1 1/2 inches (height excluding chimney) x 2 inches x 3 9/16 inches. Paints: MBZ pigment paints 47 150, 48 600, 40 612, 48 060, 40 723, 40 020, and green acrylic modelers’ paint (Testors)

MBZ 16 140

Putting the buildings together with Marklin starter set 81567 (2003 – 2008) are its locomotive and beer car. Originally this set was sold with an oval of track (1 X 8590, 1 X 8500, 4 X 8520, 6 X 8521), mini-club white transformer, red plastic re-railer, class 74 tank loco, refrigerator car painted and lettered for GANTER Bier (1865 – present), and gondola with present load.

Marklin BR 74 (74 701) loco and Ganter Bier Car, MBZ 16 087, 16 165, and 16 016
Marklin BR 74 (74 701) loco and Ganter Bier Car, MBZ 16 165
Marklin BR 74 (74 701) loco and Ganter Bier Car, MBZ 16 063 and 16 016
Marklin BR 74 (74 701) loco and Ganter Bier Car, MBZ 16 087 and 16 140
Marklin BR 74 (74 701) loco and Ganter Bier Car, MBZ 16 087 and 16 140

Few Notes on Construction: -Massbach Station (16 140) was missing parts to complete foundation on freight depot, but easy to come up with a solution: left over parts in the kit painted to look like stucco masonry

-barns feature beautiful interior details that are best finished before kit is built

-instructions sheet shows opposing wall part flipped, this will make sense when you look at the instructions for the first time: a bit misleading! CAREFUL!

OBB Eurofima Car Set: Marklin 87343

This year a new release Eurofima car set has been released and available now (87343), it’s painted and lettered for OBB (Austrian Federal Railways). The coach set’s release is the second Eurofima set for OBB in 18 years. Released in 2003, Marklin 87342 features a different paint scheme that gives the set a very different look compared with 87343: deep red paint being swapped out with bright orange and broad white stripe. But the two sets fall within different eras marking the difference in paint schemes: 87343 (Era IV) and 87342 (Era V).

In 2003 set 87342 was released as a One Time Series which coincided with the release of the first Taurus (Marklin 88580), it too was painted and lettered for OBB (Era V). This history which Marklin charts is inclusive of the various eras with this striking example.

Marklin 88580 (2003) Taurus general purpose locomotive used throughout Europe (photo courtesy Marklin)
Marklin 87342 (2003) Eurofima car set (photo courtesy Marklin)

As with its predecessor set 87343 includes 1- 1st class coach and 2- 2nd class coaches. The yellow stripe above windows indicates 1st class as well as its more obvious markings. Here is a round-up of photos including each side of the 3 coaches:

Marklin 87343_1a (type Amoz 1st class Eurofima express coach)
Marklin 87343_1b (type Amoz 1st class Eurofima express coach)
Marklin 87343_2a (type Bmoz 2nd class Eurofima express coach)
Marklin 87343_2b (type Bmoz 2nd class Eurofima express coach)
Marklin 87343_2a (type Bmoz 2nd class Eurofima express coach)
Marklin 87343_2b (type Bmoz 2nd class Eurofima express coach)

Tank Transport Set: Marklin 82229

Marklin 82229

Not sure how many Z gauge railroaders were waiting for a tank transport set, but all indications when considering its popularity with other gauges suggest a few! And just learned today Era III is one of the more popular era’s for the German model railroading market further adding to the potential interest in this set.

Marklin 82229

What we have with this set are 3 heavy flat cars with tank loads in a box with a “MADE IN CHINA” label. Not sure if the label applies to tanks only and not cars? Or assembly origin? It doesn’t really matter as this set is superlative! Marklin indicates set as new tooling which applies not only to the tanks but also the Ssy 45 4-axle heavy-duty flat cars. A very similar heavy duty flat car was released for the first time years ago as 82351 for DRG (2000-2006), it was a type SSym 46. The SSym 46 would continue to have a flourishing history in the Marklin line-up, it was released in sets, singular car releases with various loads, and special imprints too. But excluding a general similarity in appearance between the Ssy 45 and SSym 46 certain details including length vary. For one the total length of the SSym 46 is longer (7/16 inch) and heavier, and they each share differences in the equipment detailing. Six wheel trucks are used on the SSym 46’s versus 4 wheel trucks on the Ssy 45’s.

Marklin 82229

Three Leopard 1A1 tanks are loaded on the flat cars based on the prototype from Era III for the DB. Tanks are beautifully cast in plastic with imprinting. After a thorough inspection of each I cannot detect any flaws. Turrets are separate from the tank bodies and secured with screws: each rotates. Due to the lightness of the tanks and the likelihood they fall off the moving cars 3 pieces of gray weighted material is included, instructions state to roll each up into a log and place inside the tank. The weighted material is considerable in weight and will not damage the cars or tanks so states the instructions. Stakes are also included with the set. The well known firm of Schuco manufactured the tanks which comes as no surprise since anyone’s guess would be Schuco based on fine detail and quality.

Marklin 82229

New Passenger Set for DR/GDR: Marklin 87513

Marklin has released for the first time coach set 87513 painted and lettered for DR/GDR with car type Daai baggage car and Baai 2nd class coaches. Falling within Era IV this set depicts a prototypical passenger set for East Germany as operated by the German Democratic Republic (1949-1990) and DR. Marklin mates this set with the soon to be released steam locomotive 88032 which is based on a class 37 locomotive from 1970. Attractive 2nd class coach set based on the prototype with few comforts with no nonsense green paint scheme and bold ‘DR’ lettering.

Marklin 87513_1a (Type Daai baggage car)
Marklin 87513_1b (Type Daai baggage car)
Marklin 87513_2 (Type Baai 2nd class coach)
Marklin 87513_3 (Type Baai 2nd class coach)
Marklin 87513_3 (Type Baai 2nd class coach)

Early German Railroading: New ‘DR’ Sets

Marklin 86010 (2021)

Marklin’s recent release Era II freight sets include 2 for the DR: 82327 + 86010. Each is identified as Deutsche Reichsbahn thus Era II freight sets. Cars from 86010 are based on an earlier car type from Era I, prototype used on the K.Sa.St.E. B. (Royal Saxon State Railways- Königlich Sächsische Staatseisenbahnen) and released as Marklin item #8601 (1991-1998). Set 82327 features O 10 gondolas released many times before in sets and individual releases including 82322 for the DB (1997-2001).

Marklin 82327 (2021)

Set 82327 is a unique release because of 3 details: paint and lettering for the DR, Tempo A400 Delivery Van and light weathering suggestive of dirt/grime kicked up from track. The Tempo van is cast metal featuring rubber tires that rotate and prototypical paint scheme from the late 30’s.

Marklin 82327 (2021)
Marklin 82327 (2021)

Set 86010 features 3 type K Wuppertal gondolas each equipped with 6 hatches that can be opened because of course each is hinged. Bold lettering for the DR contrasting against brown paint scheme.

Marklin 86010 (2021)
Marklin 86010 (2021)

Marklin Himmelreich Station Build Kit: 89709

Marklin 89709 (build-kit) and Marklin 88856 (class 03.10 Express Locomotive)

As many of us are familiar with laser cut card-stock building kits I won’t go into the details of handling/building with paper except to say they are superior to plastic in my opinion. True to scale and even more detail than the plastic kits we have been presented with for many years. Plus the material is opaque when lit from within for added realism. Biggest challenge with paper is gluing small parts and straight alignment!

Marklin 89709 (Bahnhof Himmelreich)

Onto the recent Himmelreich build-kit with Marklin item #89709 which is modeled after the “Bahnhof Himmelreich” located in the Black Forest having served the Hollental Railroad. As is stated in the item description the building is as it was before renovation. Numerous photos are available with a simple google search which all in all confirms a very good translation of the building into Z gauge.

Marklin 89709 (Bahnhof Himmelreich)

The build-kit is another collaboration with Marklin and the firm Modellbau Laffont who have designed and constructed kits for Marklin including the big Hamburg Dammtor station a few years back. Overall an enjoyable kit to build, but maybe too much for one session, I spread it out over 4 days working on it here and there. Many small parts require tweezers and finesse. Perhaps the kit lacks the solid material construction of an Archistories building, but it is non-the-less an interesting architectural model. The finished build looks good to me, but the station signs are those that need to be carefully cut out of the instructions with a matt knife: ugh! These signs are something to consider toning down in the future; they identify the building but cheapen the look of it too. No partition walls, if you plan on realistic lighting you will have the added step of masking. And finally chimneys need better design than are offered by this manufacturer.

Marklin 89709 (Bahnhof Himmelreich)

The odd pairing of Himmelreich station and the German Express Class 03.10 (Marklin 88856) locomotive is pure fiction; they are used here to illustrate scale. Stay tuned for more on the 88856 loco which is brilliant and beautiful.

Marklin 89709 (build-kit) and Marklin 88856 (class 03.10 Express Locomotive)

Good luck and have fun!

Revell 05685: Bucket Wheel Excavator Build Kit (1:200)

Introduced in 1984 Revell’s “Bucket Wheel Excavator was reissued in 2020 with upgraded parts. And suitable for Z gauge modelers with a build ratio of 1:200.

Schaufelradbagger 289 – Model 8813 (Version 1: 1984)

A plastic build-kit with an undisclosed number of parts was based a very large land-driven machine for excavating lignite. Based on the prototype built by Krupp for the mining firm Rheinbraun (Essen, Germany) the original Revell kit was released close to the prototypes first day of work in the late 70’s.

Schaufelradbagger 289 – Model 08813 (Version 2: 2013)

Twenty nine years later (2013) the buckle wheel excavator was re-released as a “Limited Edition”, it was very popular and quickly sold-out. It was offered to me for $600 in 2015 or as equal trade for my mini-club “Bumble Bee” steam loco, of course I held onto the Bumble Bee and $600 thus also lacking the confidence to build such a kit. Version 2 is reportedly the same as Version 1 with only a change to the box design, but the overall dimensions printed on the box offers a variation: whereas Version 1 is stated to be 102cm x 42.5cm overall, Version 2 is reported to be 101.1cm x 43.3cm. Not much dimensional difference between Version 1 and 2, but it is interesting none the less and likely due slight variance in finished model.

Schaufelradbagger 289 – Model 05685 (Version 3: 2020)

In 2020 Version 3 of the bucket wheel excavator was released as another “Limited Edition” this time with updated parts. I can’t report on the nature of the improved parts, but this kit includes glue and paints with brush, perhaps a “Level 5” modeler will find no need for the paints opting instead to use airbrush applied paints? This time the kit’s box lists the parts total as 687 and kit difficulty as Level 5! A big kit which will take time to build but far less time than the 5 year assembly of the prototype!

I was recently visiting Miami, FL, and I visited MicroMacroMundo where I found the kit which was not on my radar thus I accepted the challenge to eventually build it with no experience whatsoever building Level 5 plastic kits. Measuring more than 3 feet in length the finished project is impressive in size and suitable for Z gauge!

Numerous dealers have this kit currently in stock priced at $150 more or less. Good luck if you decide to take up the challenge.