Marklin Z vintage layout made by Noch

About 20 years ago Marklin commissioned Noch to make two layouts: one for winter and one for summer using the smallest radius available in Z. Noch came up with two detail rich layouts for the smallest space. These are perfect if you live in a cramped NYC apartment like my Wife and I once did. Big on details including 10 people, 5 buildings, 23 trees, wooden bridge, open girder bridge, stream and pond, a phone booth, and even a VW Bug. This summer layout features static grass and rocky landscape features. Electronics are simple and include 3 position toggle for neutral, forward and reverse direction, speed controller, and plug. What you need is a power source for up to 9 volts either with a battery or an AC adapter. I recommend the AC Adapter by Powerline, their version that is labeled ‘Universal’, it features a switch that lets you adjust power from 3V – 12V which is handy for fine tuning the speed controller; mine is set for 6 volts which is perfect. A 9V battery won’t give this level of control. Dimensions: outer diameter is 15 1/2 inches. Originally the layout retailed for close to $600. If you can’t find one of these layouts don’t fear you can make your own out of foam and wire it with the Noch speed controller available for under $90 at, Frank also sells the Noch StaticMaster for applying static grass.


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Kraft Marken-Express cars 1984-1986

In 1984-1986 Marklin released in cooperation with Kraft 11 special imprint cars in Z scale. Nine of the cars were included in printed cardboard sleeves comprising car or cars respectfully along with track or accessories comprising a complete train and layout if you collected them all. The illustrations on the sleeves are fun, they depict the car included hooked up to the other cars in the train in their progression of release. It has taken me many years to collect all of these cars, each features the little printed ‘m’ for Marklin notating a special release car. Two cars that were printed at the same time as the “Marken-Express” cars were ‘Frapan’ and ‘Knack & Back’, these cars differed from the “Marken-Express” releases, they included illustrated Kraft product sleeves. The Marklin style 8615 and 8600 freight cars were used for these two editions.

Here is the list of Marklin Z Kraft cars in order of release with Koll’s numbers:

1. NUR GUTES VERDIENT DEN NAMEN KRAFT + Tomaten-Ketchup:  two car set that included a BR 89 loco. Koll’s #84710 (1984). Marken-Express release.

2. Scheibletten Koll’s #84711. Marken-Express release.

3. Mayonnaise Koll’s #84701.  Marken-Express release.

4. Miracoli Koll’s #84702. Marken-Express release.

5. KRAFT-VELVETA Koll’s #85702. Marken-Express release.

6. Miracel Whip Koll’s #85703. Marken-Express release.

7. PHILADELPHIA  Koll’s #85701. Marken-Express release.

8. FRAPAN Koll’s #85701.

9. Knack & Back Koll’s #85702.

10. jocca Koll’s #86701 Marken-Express release.


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Marklin 89791: Livestock Transport add-on set


Marklin 89791 is described as an add-on set for the livestock transport freight set 82523 7-car set. 89791 set includes 2 freight cars + slaughterhouse with loading cart and fencing. This post highlights the building only which is a really nice structure to consider if your layout includes rural farming properties. At this time there are just a couple of laser cut farm structures this being one that I highly recommend, it is easy and fast to assemble with good results. It is called a slaughterhouse, but it can be called a dairy as well. Instead of buying the 7-car 82523 cattle transport set consider a fleet of 82314 “Milch” (milk) cars that are sometimes available on Ebay and turn this barn into a dairy farm. The 82314 car is a must have detail rich tank car with great color and  graphics. Stucco has been a much used building material throughout Germany for a very long time, it is durable and easy to maintain making it particularly well suited for barns.

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Faller: Lumber Mill 282743


Faller’s limited edition laser cut kits for z cost more than their plastic kits, but they are some of the highest quality available and produced in a one time series. The lumber mill features a water wheel that can be motorized (motor not included), lumber storage, metal hook and crane, saws, lots of lumber (made of plastic: ugh!), and a stucco and open timber building. Materials used in the kit include plastic, laser cut card stock and laser cut wood. Individual stucco parts are glued into timber frame work which adds time for construction. A heavy particle wood base serves as the foundation for this complex making the finished building a bit heavy overall. One of the advantages with laser cut kits is their lightweight: lighter than plastic buildings. A slimmer lighter layout is easier to move and store unless you are lucky enough to have your own train room! Photos show building without the rough timber and cut boards, they are cream colored plastic and must be painted otherwise use real wood. Also less precision of the water wheel than that designed by Archistories for their grist mill.

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Faller: Bauernhaus 282785


Faller’s limited edition laser cut kits for z gauge have thus far included buildings for rural scenes this being a barn/house structure of exposed timber and stucco. Construction of this kit is fun but patience is required: each piece of stucco is glued into section of timber framing, this process takes time and be careful not to lose these tiny parts that each cut out separately. The amount of parts that are individually cut out is staggering, but the realism of the stucco is worth the time and effort. Also included with this kit is fencing made of laser cut wood pigmented in dark brown. I highly recommend collecting each of Faller’s limited edition laser cut kits to complement those offered by Archistories.

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Faller: Klingenberg Station


The Faller Klingenberg Station is a laser cut kit with some plastic parts. The plastic parts include gutter downspouts, chimneys and roof. I assembled this kit and finished the roof with matte paint similar to the original terracotta tile color, the chimneys I painted in black. Attached freight depot is laser cut wood, its roof has a nice original patina. I chose not to install the downspouts, I felt they might be a little distracting. This is a great building that I plan to use on a Scandinavian inspired layout. As with other Faller laser cut buildings this is an easy to build structure.

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Archistories: Wolkenstein Train Station


If you are modeling Swiss trains maybe consider this second variation train station by Archistories featuring cream color stucco. All design features are similar to the Torrnstein Station, but appearance is quite different. Archistories suggests using these buildings as public buildings also, they do not have to be train stations only.

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Archistories: Torrnstein Train Station


Train stations come in many shapes and sizes this three part Prussian design with connecting halls features a large passenger platform that can be expanded with accessory platforms.


Construction time is a bit on the long side you might need as much as 6-8 hours all told. The platform is made by laminating several pieces of card stock that tend to warp out of level unless even pressure is applied throughout the gluing process. Platform sort of slides into place with the station building leaving a fine gap, fill gap with similarly colored glue applied with a syringe; Elmer’s brown wood glue is a good choice. Red brick is used in this construction but stucco is available also of the exact same design. Partition walls of course allow for interior lighting that is realistic.


Archistories: Locomotive Shed “Zollern”


Here is a very interesting single track locomotive shed with exposed steel truss construction with red brick infill featuring a barrel roof. Experience building these kits is suggested, try building a few of the Archistories buildings before this one. The steel truss framework is made of very fine cardstock comprising four pieces: one per side. Very little room for error with this kit: gluing and assembling has to be quick. And re-positioning the fine lattice truss is not possible (tears easily). For alignment I lined up the bottom of each side with the bottom of the building, I then allowed the lattice framework to naturally fall into place before applying light pressure for gluing. Maybe as an alternative try placing the steel truss on the building and then apply tiny drops of glue in several discreet places. The whole range of z locomotives are easily serviced in this shed which features large windows and hinged doors.

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