Wichita Falls, TX and a trip to AJCKids.com

Producing stories for magazines throughout the United States, my Wife Anne and I along with our two corgis (Le-le and Rookie) spend much of the time on the road. As luck would have it we found ourselves 2 hours due east of Wichita Falls in the city of Sherman, TX. And a weather delay freed us up for a day trip to visit our friends at AJCKids.

Route 82 connects Sherman, TX and Wichita Falls with a couple of interesting towns along the way including Muenster, Saint Jo and Nocona.

Muenster settled by German Catholics in 1889 was so called after the capital of Westphalia, but the town is not considered a sister city and few speak German according to its wikipedia page. The local grocery store features smoked meats and cheeses from their farms, Fishers Thriftway is a fun stop which includes all the staples and prepared relishes, salsas and pickles. Several antique shops with interesting age old offerings along North Main Street also include the cleverly painted mural on the local mill.

Muenster, TX

Saint Jo further along the journey is an attractive small town with center square featuring mostly original 19th century architecture of wood and stone. Everything Texas can be found here, but “what is Texas?”, the answer isn’t easy but through sentiments and feelings: specific and unspecific as concerns the mystery of a place.

Last stop before hitting Wichita Falls is Nocona, or I should say famous Nocona. Famous for the last American made baseball glove manufacturer: Nocona Baseball Glove Factory. A large art deco manufacturing building along Route 82 is home to Nocona Baseball Glove Factory as well as Nocona Boots and micro-brewer Nocona Beer who’s “Cut & Bale” blonde is considered very very good by this railroader.

Nocona Boots, TX

Roads out here head straight for the horizon intersecting lush landscapes of prairie grass, wild flowers, and sweeping oaks. Lush grazing land perhaps the finest in these parts support Texas cattle country, here there are more pick-ups than cars and more western hats than caps. And more cattle than people! No bull!

As we approached Wichita Falls we drove parallel to a waiting eastbound BNSF unit train with a couple hundred loaded coal hoppers. The BNSF Depot in downtown Wichita Falls is a busy hub on the BNSF mainline with long unit trains of petroleum and coal. A few blocks from the Wichita Depot is the Wichita Falls Railroad Museum which can be visited on Saturdays.

Mid-point through a day of adventure includes lunch: let’s hope so! Wichita Falls is home to one of the finest barbecue joints this aficionado has experienced many years in the smoke. And throughout the country to cowboy boot! A must stop in Wichita Falls is Prine’s Barbecue 1209 13th Street in Wichita Falls. Brisket is it! Here it’s served with a peppery slightly vinegar based sauce, famous mustard based potato salad with the consistency of mashed and bright crunchy cole slaw.

Many of my friends in model railroading are already familiar with AJCKids.com, but few may have made the trip to the store. AJCKids is a specialized train store which shares space with the high quality clothing store Annie Jewel & Charlie’s: family owned. The train store has a strong online presence as well as brick and mortar. The train store and its shipping department is located in the back of the building accessed through the larger presence of the clothing store. A large space with a very very large inventory of Marklin and other European model train manufacturers, AJCKids inventory encompasses all gauges currently offered by Marklin which is unusual for a dealer including large Gauge 1 trains and accessories. All inventory is new condition with many items further wrapped in plastic. Shelves are organized according to gauge and accessories displayed on racks. And all related scenery items include trees, ground-cover, building kits and Preiser figures; they have lots and lots of stuff, every model railroader will be happy! The very large selection of in stock Marklin H0 includes accessories too including all the catenary poles and related items.

3401 Kemp Avenue, ste B
Square Shopping Center
Wichita Falls, TX 76308

Worth a trip to the store: Z scale collectors will find numerous in-stock locos, rolling stock, and accessories including “sold out at factory” items; I found the very limited and rare Austrian Export Model from 2004: 88082. Fifteen years after its one time release and limitation as Export Model, 88082 was a very rare and unexpected find. Also in the red case housing some of the Z items in the store includes the out of production Eurofima Set: 87409 and 20 car funnel-flow set: 82530.

selection of Marklin Z at AJCKids: further Z scale items can be found within the store including other locos and accessories
Marklin 88082 (Export Model for Austria 2004): class 1018 painted and lettered for Austrian Federal Railways (OBB)

Siding: inventory at AJCKids also include collectible cars of various yearly releases including Museum cars, Easter and Christmas releases

Marklin 88040 + 88041: class 42.09 Franco Crosti locomotives

Marklin 88040 (Insider Model 2003)
Marklin 88041 (2005-2008)

The German class 42.09 steam locomotive from era III was realized in 2005 as another interesting Marklin Z featuring the Franco-Crosti modification of a class 52 locomotive, a collaboration between two Italians included a system modification which made use of exhaust steam as well as exhaust gases incorporating a main boiler and secondary boiler to effectively utilize more of the energy produced by the BR 52. A second boiler/smoke gas pre-heater below the firebox was thus coupled with a chimneys attached to each side of the boiler, this system modification would be identified as Franco-Crosti boiler.


Attilio Franco and Dr. Piero Crosti designed the first such boiler nearly 20 years before class 42.09 was built . Modification to the wartime class 52 locomotive by Henschel in 1952 resulted in reclassification due to increased axle-weight resulting from the added 2 ton weight of modification.


Referred to as economisers (Abgasvorwarmer) the Franco-Crosti modification of 2 class 52 locos had a relatively brief service life of less than 10 years, but another 31 class 50’s were rebuilt by Henschel with Franco-Crosti boilers by the end of the 50’s.

Marklin’s release in 2005 of the 88041 was preceded by another Franco-Crosti locomotive (88040) for Insider Members in 2003. Painted in photo-grey for Henschel’s builder photographs 88040 with operating number 42 9000 is based on prototype retired in 1959 (Bingerbruck, Germany).

88040 with tub style tender

Painted and lettered for German Federal Railroad (DB) Marklin’s 88041 includes Wagner smoke deflectors and tub-style tender with operating number 42 9001 thus based on prototype built in 1952 and retired in 1960 (Oberlahnstein).


Siding: more than 7000 class 52 locomotives were built during World War II by 13 manufacturers throughout Europe

Marklin 81191: Commuter Service Train Set

The German commuter train set modeled in Z is based on an Era III prototype with class 78 steam locomotive for the German Federal Railroad (DB).

Marklin train set 81191 includes 4 coaches and a tank locomotive. Released in 2011 the set was in the regular production until 2013 thus rare but not as rare as limited releases.

The 4-6-4 tank locomotive class 78 included with this set includes the fine running 5 pole motor and predates improvements to current highly detailed running gears incorporated into steam locomotives of current generation Marklin Z’s, but this locomotive is handsome nonetheless and features finely detailed metal casting and nickel add-on parts including whistle and bell.

Included in the set are 3 coaches and baggage car: 1- type PW3PR 3-axle baggage coach, 1- type C3PR04 3-axle compartment coach without brakeman’s cab, 3rd class, 1- type BC3PR03 3- axle compartment coach without brakeman’s cab, 2nd/3rd class, and 1- type C3PR04 3- axle compartment coach with brakeman’s cab, 3rd class.

On the heels of this post is the recent release 87040, it varies with cars of set 81191 featuring similar baggage car and 1 three-axle coach, and it includes 2 two-axle coaches. Paint scheme and era are the same and a loco to go with this set is the upcoming release 88031: class 24 with tender.

Marklin 87040 (photo courtesy Marklin)

The added bonus of interior details of the new coach set 87040 bring to life more realism with Era III railroading.

Compartment coaches of this type were repainted and lettered from earlier era, they featured compartments accessed from exterior doors. Relatively short in length these coaches were designed to be boarded quickly and featured running boards full length of car.

Siding: German steam locomotives with painted red frames are a distinctive feature, but the purpose of red paint was to better detect stress fractures during routine inspections.

MBZ: Rectory 16 089

MBZ’s rectory is a sizable structure comprised of stucco and shingle roof, it features stalls for wagons.

Roof section arrived heavily warped which is straightened with triangular sections of cardboard found in the kit.

I was after a representation of aged tinted stucco which was achieved by layers of gouache watercolor. Dirt kicked up from the ground was applied with airbrush.

Parts with rough edges made during the laser process were smoothed over with glue and then painted.

Carriage stalls include open beam detailing plus cobble floor which I plan to allow viewing of after building is set on my layout.

Roof coloration involved much experimentation of layering various colors over a primer coat tinted with brown. Rubbing and dry brush supplemented heavier applications of paint. Roof was top coated using an airbrush of a protective finish of gloss varnish which noticeably popped the color. .

Stucco texture was accentuated by wet and dry brush applied to drying paint. Layers of colors were built up slowly and shading was added with a dark lavender color to suggest shadows around moldings.

Interior of building shows the simple and uncomplicated construction which owes to a less than precision kit with imperfect joints, but that could owe to the look of these buildings settling over time and age which is entirely subjective of course.

All and all an interesting kit but one you need to build without worry of perfection.

MBZ 3 Bay Locomotive Shed: 16 005

MBZ’s rather large 3 bay locomotive shed features an attached administration building. Entirely constructed of brick this kit is rather challenging to paint and assemble.

Very large siding parts in this kit arrived heavily warped which required a little patience but overall not a big deal, the curvature in the parts seem to curl due to the laser-cutting process owing to the nature of this kit. One part I was unable to correct, the long wall on the administration building was not designed with a second structural cardboard to laminate with, I would recommend fashioning a stiff cardboard and gluing it with this part before installation.

Roof sheathing for the whole kit was not included as depicted in the instructions thus raw cardboard was the only provided roof which on its own is hideous, I built the roof sheathing out of 600 grit wet/dry sandpaper that I sanded lightly and airbrushed gray/black. No roof ventilation was included so I used spare parts from the Archistories shed kit which is an area to improve on in the future.

Careful brushwork around windows and the added highlight in the bricks.

Wooden doors were painted out on back of administration building. This kit included brick overlay at corners, but my kit had damaged/frayed bricks so the result was okay.

The brick panels have a very interesting pattern brought out by applying color by brush in one direction (left/right) and another color angled up and down: crosshatch. I also applied a variety of colors to the window glazing.

You can only win at building MBZ kits by embracing color which has been layered.

I spent a considerable amount of time under-painting the front of the bays and doors with transparent paint gradually building up to more opaque applications. Doors are wood and accepted paint differently than the paper sections.

Doors feature common small brass hinges which in this kit are challenging to install, but the doors can be permanently glued in place as another solution, not many modelers need moving shed doors.

I airbrushed the glazing to give a hazy grimy look which will be nice to feature with interior lighting including a flickering red light to suggest welding.

Note: I glued a piece of gray paper to the underside after completing the kit, I found the structure to have a rather weak base, and I don’t plan to install it on a layout for awhile.

If you suffer through this kit like I did and complete the building perhaps you will find satisfaction for it on your layout, I like the end result, it’s unique with big scale suggested.

Siding: Reynauld’s in IL is the dealer for MBZ, they also sell everything you need to light this building too!

MBZ: Rustic Loco Shed 16 103

MBZ loco shed 16 103 features a single pair of doors thus this one bay locomotive shed is for the simple repair and storage of locomotives along a branch-line somewhere in Bavaria. It features timber construction and terracotta tile roof. Very attractive little shed with a workshop.

Foundation is cement outlining a long rectangle.

Here is a good MBZ kit to start with, but it too has it’s challenges namely with paint.

The sides of this building are heavily cut/engraved by laser leaving rather toothy edges in the paper stock, it is highly resistant to paint. Priming the parts as recommended for all kits is helpful, but airbrushing a color over the primer is what I recommend with this kit. If the paper fibers are course in an MBZ kit paint will be difficult with a brush, however smooth fibers such as the roof panels in this kit readily accept paint: persevere!

Building up layers of paint with a brush gives surface depth and depth of color versus superficial uniform paint: nobody wants to be superficial!

Window details with glazing attached are glued between framework side panels and outer detail side panels. Note: after the the initial structure is glued and standing on its own with glue dry and trusses in place but windows still at Home Depot spray paint interior black or graphite black by Krylon.

Doors are hinged in this model, but the solution is not that subtle: 2 small brass cabinet hinges glued in place between layers of card-stock. This is the first time I have encountered this type of hinge solution, initially I thought: UGH!, but after painting them they aren’t too bad; they are far more durable than other solutions and hardly noticeable with the doors open.

Using airbrush I applied a final acrylic varnish coat in matte finish to the sides and a semigloss finish to the foundation. Note: airbrush masking tape comes in a variety of widths, it is well suited to isolating areas to be painted either by brush or airbrush.

The roof is comprised of a chimney and 3 smokestacks made of wood, the kit included 3 printed paper caps for the stacks which I didn’t like and didn’t use. I built up layers of paint loosely mixed together to give a mossy and terracotta color. The protective coat on the roof is micro-crytstalline wax commonly referred to as “Renaissance Wax”, it was applied sparingly with my finger. Note: If using this product it is important to apply as sparingly as possible to avoid a waxy build up. Renaissance wax is a non-acidic/non-yellowing wax available at art supply stores.

Siding: Reynauld’s is the USA dealer for MBZ kits in numerous gauges and MBZ paints.

Intro. MBZ Laser-cut kits and Hofsteinach Shed

MBZ laser-cut building kits in Z are comprised of an extensive line-up with particular focus on Bavarian architecture including rural dwellings and railway buildings.

Based on real architectural prototypes the kits offer modelers an historical basis for layout design; they can be used generally for layouts with countryside scenes or inspiration for rigorously suggesting the topography and features of Bavaria and its branch line railways.

Included in this post is the Locomotive Shed Hofsteinach (MBZ Art.#16 057) Z gauge kit comprising two parts: administration building and attached 2 stall locomotive workshop. A late photograph I found for the prototype appears to show the building used late in life as a storage facility, evidence suggests it was not used with a turntable although a very simple one may have been employed at some point.

An introduction to these kits beyond historical perspective and including build quality leads to comparisons with other manufacturers of today’s laser-cut kits: Archistories and Faller. Each company has its own approach which is translated to each kit’s personality. Archistories kits are Prussian in basis and precision in nature from kit to completed building. Faller is rather more generic architecturally, and their kits sometimes could use a little more finishing, but the buildings are uniquely appointed with interior masking allowing nice details including curtains to be seen in buildings with interior lighting. MBZ kits have a personality uniquely their own, I have built close to 10 thus far, and each presented unique construction demands.

After opening an MBZ kit one will notice the uniform dark brown card-stock for the majority of parts, windows are separate fixtures on white cardboard. The card-stock is rather soft if compared with the card-stock used by Archistories, these parts also have carbon deposits left behind by the laser-cutting process: sometimes heavy. The kits also smell of burnt paper which is okay because it is rather subtle and one gets used to it. Large parts are also usually warped presumably due to the laser process. The downside to these kits are gluing, painting, and lightweight filigree parts such as trusses, but I hope to share my personal approach and help others build these kits satisfactorily because they are good kits.

Gluing: I use Noch 61104 glue because of its quick setting and flexible nature, it dries clear with a little gloss so don’t use it to fill gaps, gaps can be filled with brown tinted wood glue with better results. Before you glue to need to prep the parts to remove carbon deposits, manufacturer suggests sanding sponge or wire brush, but I use a paper towel and brush away the dust. Best use is made of gentle approach here. Note: youTube video posted by Reynaulds shows Thomas Oswald building one of his kits using UHU Hart glue which is an excellent glue but rather messy with strands that seem to pull away applicator after application.

Painting: MBZ kits are raw cardboard, they are not pre-tinted like Archistories and Faller thus painting is required. MBZ has a line of pigment paints which are applied with a sponge which are reasonably priced in kits, but I prefer using Gouache watercolor paints which I will ouline here. The first step is priming the parts before assembly and painting other parts before assembly. I use Gouache for several reasons: building up texture, quick drying, excellent color choices, and can be lightly sanded. Gouache is opaque watercolor which can be diluted with water for more transparency, it also mixes well with other colors. But as with certain other artist media Gouache needs to be protected by a final application of lacquer, I use acrylic lacquer applied with an airbrush. Lacquer comes in matte, semi-gloss and gloss, the choice for each is complicated by the fact that each will impart a different surface appearance but also and more importantly different levels of color saturation thus gloss will impart the colors with much more saturation than semi-gloss or matte. I also use the micro-crystalline wax by Renaissance which gives a waxy/gloss finish appropriate for textured surfaces, I don’t use it often but for those situations it is suitable there are no substitutes. Preparation for paint: first prime the parts thereby sealing the paper. Note: MBZ textured laser-cut parts for some reason resist paint, I found a drier paint (less water) was required, too much water in the paint pooled on top of the parts. I find MBZ kits to border on primitive, I embrace the soft edges of the paper parts and uneven color application therefore I have tended to use brush versus airbrush, it is a technique where I was able to control paint thickness and shading, but a combination of airbrush and brush should yield excellent results. With MBZ kits for me are about embracing buildings with age and years of history, I have found it better to push in the direction of defects than perfection with these kits thereby bringing to the surface years of use.

Very delicate filigree parts such as trusses are difficult to work with in MBZ kits, they are best to be glued to the roof panels before inserting into loco sheds as suggested by the manufacturers’ illustration which also serves as assembly instructions. Note: Instructions in the form of a short text accompanies a large illustration which I have found at times misleading and/or challenging to say the least, it is best practice to lay the parts out and try to understand fit and placement before gluing. Note: reread last note!

For each MBZ build kit I post now and later I will describe trouble spots with the kit in question and technique I used unique to that kit.

Loco Shed Hofsteinach: All in all a very good kit and equally nice building of medium size. Unique to the architecture of this building is scale, it looks much bigger than it really is which is a unique achievement praised in architecture. Construction of this prototype included brick infill siding with numerous windows framed in iron, stucco and shingle administration building. The kit included hinge design for the 4 large wood loco shed doors which involved super gluing a pin (nail) to the edge of each door panel, due to the thickness of the pin and securing the doors to it I chose to forgo working hinges and permanently glued the doors in place. Trusses are very nice in the kit, but they are very lightweight although prototypical in scale they are hard to work with, they should be glued to the roof panels before installing in building as suggested by the instruction’s illustration. Window panels are glued to the outside of the building’s framework and outer panels glued over top which is a little different from the other manufacturers.

I used the dry brush technique and build up color on the brick infill siding finishing with airbrushing a light spray of gray/black.

Door panels on loco shed were first stained with a brown stain followed by a wet brush of gouache with grimy black paint and finished with light airbrushing.

Roof panels were darkened with gray/black using airbrush. Note: manufacturer did not include smokestacks, but I will include those when the building goes to layout.

Adminstration building includes aged shingles and stucco. I came up with a color for the stucco I was happy with and added white charcoal powder for texture, this layer was followed by a slightly darker tone to suggest weathering, age and repairs.

Shingles were darkened with a light spray of gray/black. Foundations stones varied from one side to the next, I colored matched the administration building’s stone color for a uniform look around the building. Note: it is not uncommon for foundation stone color to vary depending on construction time-frame and changes made to original structure over time.

This very solid, designed and proportioned loco shed is a very good building for branch-line service.

Siding: only USA dealer for MBZ is Reynauld’s in Illinois.

SBB Freight Car with construction load: FR’s 41.332.01

FR 41.332.01

An older release FR freight car painted and lettered for the SBB is this type Xs low side gondola with separately applied brakeman’s wheel with load of new construction roof trusses.

All FR’s releases which are rare; they are either stated limited editions or open editions, but the latter editions are not indefinitely available. This one I purchased from a dealer, but current FR items can be purchased directly from FR’s website.

Careful research and study begins the process of new items by Harald Freudenreich followed by design and manufacturing. Each car or loco is handcrafted with numerous add-on parts and prototypical paint schemes.

This car with load of roof trusses is comprised of 5 prototypical scale trusses and provides an interesting freight load.

Royal Wurttemberg (K.W.St.E) T 9 tank locomotive: Marklin 88952

The 2005 release of the Marklin T 9 tank locomotive painted and lettered for the Royal Wurttemberg State Railroad (K.W.St.E) featured a 5 pole motor and it was the first of its type for this railway produced in the mini-club line-up.

The 88952 produced in 2005 as a “one time series” celebrated “200 Years of the Kingdom of Wurttemberg.”

The Era I locomotive is appropriately coupled with Wurttemberg coaches: 80105, 8700, 8701, and 8739. Marklin’s recent release 5 coach set is also a very good choice: 87009.

Coach 8739 trails the T 9 with destination boards for Boll-Goppingen, its operating number E4 2733 was produced by Marklin from 1989-1998. Eleven years in production does not make this coach particularly rare, but this open corridor coach has been popular with modelers of early trains. Check out the next section detailing the relationship between this coach and locomotive.

Following years of innovation by modelers of Z one such development proved invaluable: marrying coaches with short locomotives. Locomotives of short length and weight have proven to be less than rewarding to operate on the mini-club layouts with turnouts and crossovers with their slight dip in power, short locos are challenged to pass freely through these track features, but one creative minded individual came up with a solution: wiring the axles of a coach to the leads of the locomotive thereby extending the length of the locomotive. In this case the 88952 with 3 powered axles has been extended with 2 additional axles. Wiring the coach involves some soldering and drilling with micro bits, but it is overall a fairly straightforward and easy repair the second time around, the first time should be counted as a learning curve. Adding an LED light panel at the same time is just a little more work. In this example a draw-bar was installed thus permanently coupling the loco and coach together. Performance for this type of locomotive is improved greatly.

Here are photos of the electrical upgrade:

Marklin 89793 – Hamburg Dammtor Station: revised build solution

Marklin’s very large laser-cut kit for the Hamburg Dammtor Station was broken into 2 parts on delivery and sold separately: station kit (89792) + bridges and arcades (89793).

The bridges and arcades modeled the elevated approach based on the prototype which includes shops and approach bridges. The shops portion of the kit could be built along one side of the elevation, but it did not include enough solid brick for both sides presumably giving a choice between dividing it 50/50 between the sides. Or the other option leaving one side complete and the second side un-decorated so to speak. If your layout includes 360 views perhaps finding a solution for completing both sides is for you as it is for me.

I have two complete kits including the one depicted that I will be using for a Christmas layout, this kit I divided the walling and shops equally between the two sides leaving large sections on both sides bare card-stock. What to do?

Archistories the company well documented by me on this site came out with a solution: “Masonry Slab Sheet” (ARC 806181), it simulates shaped and tinted concrete or natural slab rock. In the case of the Marklin 89793 in will provide natural stone retaining walls extending past the arcade shops. Installing on a layout will require a smooth transition from masonry built elevation to natural fill elevation. Photos are readily available on-line to view the Hamburg station as it looks today.

Note: my photos show installation of sheet sections directly to the original unfinished sides, but after completion I may redo the attachment after installing a thicker base perhaps 1/16″ inches. Projecting the slab stone out from the sides a little maybe much more natural in appearance.

The height of the elevation is 1 1/8 inches thus one sheet of Archistories ARC 806181. There is a correct orientation to the sheet with top and bottom either end of the vertical sheet, further the vertical sheet has a top and bottom which can be delineated after careful observation.