Highly Recommended sold out items

I decided to start an ongoing category on this blog to give other collectors a heads-up on Marklin Z gauge items that are sold out at the factory but still available for discounted or original releases prices. So to that end I will list an item that appears to be still available with particular dealers that I trust, and that I have done business with. And the other criteria is recommending items that I personally own and/or consider “Hot” Marklin Z items that should not be missed.

My first entry is the famous Anhalter Bahnhof Station which is Marklin item number 89200. This building kit was awarded “Model of the Year” in 2003 by Z Club 92. This is a big building true to the prototype which was mostly destroyed in WWII, now just the entry portico is preserved. The kit features plastic parts with cast metal ornamentation just like the prototype. The cast metal statuary are exquisite. I own this kit, and my plan is to properly paint it based on historic photos and create a sensitive interpretation of the outlying city center this once resided in. Lot’s of work ahead but all of it is fun work.

Historic background for this important station nicknamed Berlin’s “Gateway to the South”: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berlin_Anhalter_Bahnhof

This kit has been extremely hard to come by having been sold out for more than 10 years. Forget about getting a new one on Ebay. For the lucky few Discount Train in FL has 3 new ones available for the discounted retail price of $299.98. At the time of this writing (1/31/16) they had 3 available. This is a company I recommend, I have purchased a number of items from them and not a single transaction had any problems what so ever.

If you build or have built the Anhalter Bahnhof station please send your photos, I will love to post them here with proper credit.

As always I hope this information on this blog is helpful.marklin-89200-anhalter-station-kit