I decided to compile a list of Marklin Z gauge dealers in the USA that I buy from. To get on this list a dealer has had to pass with flying colors several areas related to the sale of Marklin Z:
- Brick and mortar store or online store
- Inventory on hand
- Knowledge of all things Z not just Marklin
- Passion for Z gauge
- Trustworthy
Price can be important when a collector is working on assembling a large collection, saving money here and there affords an opportunity to expand a collection in numerous era’s or railroads. But paying a fair price should be embraced, supporting retail train stores helps with the overall hobby of collecting and supporting fine companies such as Marklin, FR, MicroTrains, Archistories, and many others. We all know with a few exceptions the risky business of buying secondhand trains on auction sites. Supporting a dealer whose business is selling trains should be the go to source for railroading. My list is not small, but it is also not big. And if you have a dealer that you like who is not on my list please let me know, helping each other with resources helps us all.