In two years Marklin “mini-club” will be 50 years old, and this loco too! The common theme of course is gold in celebration of this milestone. The 1972 Nuremberg Toy Show would introduce ‘Z’ as Marklin’s new model railroad gauge; they touted it as the smallest in the world, it would eventually be eclipsed by T gauge thus becoming the second smallest gauge today, but who cares at this point.

Marklin produced the gold 8800 locomotive on the occasion of the 1972 Nuremberg Toy Fair and announcement of their new ‘Z’ gauge model railroad. Presented in a special box the gold locomotive was given to Marklin’s business partners (some have suggested it was a gift for members of the press?) at the 1972 event. Edition size is unknown, but it is fair to say limited. Interest in the model has waned over the years after reaching auction prices of $2000 twenty years ago (based on other collectors’ information and not verified by this author), today examples sell for $150- $300 sometimes missing the original box.

Many details about this model have been gathered over time from numerous sources thus some inaccuracies maybe unavoidable, as new information comes forward I will seek to update this post.

Looking out for counterfeit versions: one dealer told me years ago following high auction prices that Chinese firms were making fakes. I haven’t seen any fake versions, but another dealer told me fake ones have 5 chrome gears whereas originals have 5 openings in the oil pan with 4 bronze gears and 1 chrome one. The locomotive also featured the original 3 pole motor which was used in mini-club locos until the introduction of the 5 pole motor in 1998. Original shells were gold plated metal casting thus no tarnishing will further distinguish it as authentic. An original box is another helpful article to find with this loco, it featured wood grain in its design as other mini-club locos, but also featured metallic sheen too. Note to collectors: original complete box is perhaps equal in value to the locomotive.

“Goldene Lok (Golden Lok)” and “Goldiloks (Goldilocks)” are nicknames given by collectors for the locomotive, but Marklin may have originally named it “Goldene (Golden)”. Produced in gold perhaps distinguishing it as being made during the Olympic year of 1972?

Box features multiple fold-outs and text: “it (locomotive) is the symbol of the <Golden> chance 72” thus marketing the new gauge as “the first world record of the olympic year.” Further describing the attributes of the new small gauge we have all come to know and appreciate.

Note: 50 years on and this little loco runs like a top due to the extremely good design and manufacturing at Marklin: here’s to fifty more!
Siding: rough performance and shaking with steam locomotives maybe due to bent side rods, if the side rods are bent inward they can impede smooth running, bending the side rods outward with great care should remedy it