Category Archives: DB

Marklin new 2016 Fall items in Z


Just announced in Marklin’s New Fall Items catalog are coaches, tank cars and a new class 110 loco. And a new Christmas car edition featuring the newly tooled type Eanos gondola. Furthering the heavy weathering releases of the past few years one of the new releases include type funnel-flow tank cars lettered variously for VTG, Wascosa, Ermewa, DHL, and GATX. From the release photos these cars look to be realistically weathered with the oily grime associated with frequently used petroleum tank cars. What’s next in the weathering department at Marklin? Perhaps the next release might be a loco? Also announced is an interesting set of passenger coaches that will be available individually each with its own item number. Featuring Eurofima cars from SNCF, DB and SBB this set is an MHI Release thus a “One Time Series”. Also the just announced MHI Release of a new class 110 electric loco with item number 88412. This class 110.3 loco is Era IV in cobalt blue paint scheme with “pants crease” streamlining on each cab end.

Here is the link to the new catalog:

General Maintenance of the Marklin 88712: BR 406 DB AG or ICE III

Marklin has designed locomotives and train sets with unique properties sometimes custom to a particular model. Whether it is the TEE train sets and its many variants or the ICE 1 or 3, couplers and powered units have been rethought and redesigned. The 88712 was produced in 1999-2005, it is based on the Era V ICE III DB prototype. Two variations of the 88712 include version 1 with 3 pole motor (1999) and version 2 with 5 pole motor (2000-2005). This train set could be supplemented with 4 add-on coaches to make-up a prototypical train set: 87711, 87712, 87713, 87714.

The design of this loco includes a unique power unit located in the middle of the train, the BordRestaurant dining car houses the motor and circuit board, but this car does not receive the power from the tracks instead each coach picks up power that is sent to the middle car thereby driving its two geared trucks. Added efficiency is achieved by the heavy weighted chassis of the dining car giving its wheel sets much needed traction. Couplers used in this set are those created for the 88711 Max Liebermann which are characterized as flat plastic couplers faced on both sides with conductive metal. Couplers are held in place on one end of each car with clips accessed from the underside of car. In order to remove this semi-permanent coupler simply release clip.

Maintaining this ICE train set is easy. The pantograph end of the dining car is gently pried upwards thereby releasing the shell. The capacitor wires maybe soldered to the circuit board thus take great care to avoid breaking any wires. No problem with broken wires, but repair will take a little longer as the wires will need soldering. The trucks do not have electrical contacts so they come apart easily and go back together easily. You may opt to tear down to the gears to remove old oil and crud. I bought mine from a collector who never ran theirs and as a result it was caked with hardened oil (HOS!!!!!) throughout the trucks and gears to the transmissions and even motor. Whenever you buy used Marklin Z expect the worse, you may need to replace brushes at the very least, but you might need to roll up your sleeves and remove crud and old oil.  Not sure if I am a nerd, but I like tear downs and restorations!

If you own or are planning to buy an ICE III it will not disappoint, this is one of the finest Marklin Z’s for running characteristics and design true to the prototype.


Marklin BR 218 in Z! What else?

The German BR 218 diesel locomotive includes numerous variants following the 1968 reclassification of the V 164. Six of those variations produced in Z by Marklin are included here. Many versions of a Marklin Z loco suggest to me many fans of this prototypical class otherwise Marklin would have produced some other loco instead. A relatively short rather boxy locomotive with trim ends describes this loco in short order, but what makes this loco so cool is all of that and more. A compact and I dare say elegant locomotive that was appealing to its engineers as a quiet alternative to steam engines, and a generally good locomotive to be assigned to if your career was as a coveted engineer, at least to me. 2500- 2800 horsepower isn’t bad coupled with multiple gear ratios thus giving this loco the stature of ‘multi-class’ locomotive. A long history is one way to mark success, of the nearly 400 built many are still in operation throughout Germany: 40+ years (*nearly 50 but who’s counting). And that’s 7 days a week most weeks for those 40+ years! Happy belated birthday old friend!


  1. 81782- H.F. WIEBE, former class 218, privately owned and lettered for the firm H.F. WIEBE. Originally sold as part of a train set with rolling stock lettered for H.F. WIEBE. Sold through Conrad Electronics in an edition of 500.
  2. 88786- DB, BR 218, operating number 218 320-0, ocean blue and beige paint scheme
  3. 88787- DB AG, BR 218, operating number 218 260-8, current ‘traffic red’ paint scheme,        Era VI, One Time Series 2013


4. 8878- DB, BR 218, operating number 218 438-0, Era IV, Marklin Program: 1988-2008                   5. 8879- DB, BR 218, operating number 218 104-8, Era IV, Marklin Program: 1989-2004                   6. 8880- DB, BR 218, experimental paint scheme, operating number 218 217-8, Era IV, Marklin Program: 1990-1999

_DSF9738 _DSF9746

Quiz: Can you name the locos?

Marklin BR 216 locomotive diesel class

Marklin produced 4 BR 216’s in Z, this post includes two newer versions: one an ‘Insider’ Model and the other an ‘MHI-One Time Series Release’ from 2013.  The class 216 follows the reclassification of locos in Germany in 1968 thus the 216 is the former class V 160. Modifications to class V 160’s included bumped out ends thus making for an arguably more attractive loco along with internal improvements that included changing from steam heat to electrically generated heat for coaches, it followed that certain exterior changes were also made including roof equipment and sides; the elliptical window which was characteristic of the BR V 160 disappeared, I would deduce that it was appealing but impractical. But some BR V 160’s simply had a name change and others found their way to private industry.


  1. 88783- BR 216, Era IV, operating number 216 199-0, Insider Model 2011, One Time Series
  2. 88784- BR 216, Era IV, operating number 216 188-3, MHI Release 2013, One Time Series


Two locos that are easy on the eyes!

Introduction: Marklin’s BR V 160 + 216 + 218 in Z

One of favorite Z type locos are the diesels: BR V160, BR 216 and BR 218 and their variants. A technical consideration for railroaders operating a layout of German prototype, you won’t find a better and more satisfactory runner than these with the 3 pole or 5 pole motors, they are perfection and even feature LED lighting with trailing lights to boot. There are real bargains to be had with many of these models on the secondary market, and of course a 5 pole motor upgrade is another consideration that is very easy to perform with this loco type. Overall there are three types that fit this category with sides and paint schemes that boast the obvious variations, but let’s not overlook roof details with variously shaped vents and stacks as well as color changes which yield 4 general variations in this interesting Z group.


from left to right:

  1. BR V 160 with operating number V 160 003
  2. BR 216 with operating number 216 188-3
  3. BR 218 (without stacks) with operating number 218 320-0
  4. BR 218 (with stacks) with operating number 218 217-8

A close look into the grills and ends of lovely diesel locos starts with these locomotives classes due in part to paint schemes of mixed variety. And private industry offered bit parts in this illustrious history.


from left to right:

  1. 8866- DB, BR V 160 “Lollo,”operating number V 160 003
  2. 81411- HEG, former BR V 160, operating number BR V 31
  3. 88782- DB, BR 216 (following 1968 German loco reclassification),                                           operating number 216 005-9
  4. 88785- DB, BR V 160 “Lollo,” operating number V 160 005 *note the brighter grill than that of 8866


5. 88784- DB, BR 216, operating number 216 188-3                                                                                  6. 88783- DB, BR 216, operating number 216 199-0


7. 81782 (starter set)- H.F. WIEBE, former class 218, privately owned with no operating number    8. 8880- DB, BR 218, experimental paint scheme, operating number 218 217-8                                 9. 88786- DB, BR 218, operating number 218 320-0


10. 88787- DB AG, BR 218, operating number 218 260-8                                                                         11. 8879- DB, BR 218, operating number 218 104-8                                                                                  12. 8878- DB, BR 218, operating number 218 438-0


Marklin weathering: experts in Z!

Marklin has released ‘weathered’ rolling stock before, but the weathering on a current release of 10 cars is so good it deserves special praise. Those 10 cars are none other than the GI 11 boxcars for the DB in three versions: 82175- 82178 type GI 11 without hand brake, 82261- 82263 type GI 11 with brakeman’s cabin, and 82264- 82266 type GI 11 with brakeman’s platform. In 2014 Marklin released these same cars lettered for the DB in a 10 set pack without weathering, they showed off Marklin’s excellence in injection molded plastic; you can see all the bolts and planks that built the prototype along with crisp lettering throughout: car set 82559 is long sold out but some are still available from some of the Ebay listed dealers. The 10 individual cars this post is dedicated to is currently out of production (short shelf life for these beauties!!!), but Walthers still has them in stock! The weathering is coal soot from the loco and other floating dust and grime from many miles traveling the rails. Authentic to the prototype, this weathering is applied to the lower extremities of the cars in varying thickness and spread: no two are the same! I would to see more of Marklin’s obvious weathering skills applied to other locos and rolling stock thus making the world one step closer to being complete and true! Bravo to Marklin!


Three car types from set 82559 side by side with the newly released heavily weathered same car types.

Siding: wheel sets are also complemented with authentic weathering. Wheel sets from Marklin Z rolling stock can be similarly weathered and aged using an airbrush with water based pigment, they simply unclip from the chassis, hold them in place and give each a light swipe from the airbrush gun!

88731 Max Liebermann special repair notes that deserve consideration!!!

The Max Liebermann class 601 special one time series from 1997 is a two locomotive set that deserves a special highlight with regards to any under the hood repair. I just upgraded mine with new 5 pole motors, and it deserves some special considerations before you might consider doing the same. As with others in this series, Marklin continued to make changes and improvements including more durable couplers that allowed less gap between coaches and locos thereby making some parts non interchangeable between the 1st release of this loco type #8873 (DB) and the second release 88731 (DR). Those non interchangeable parts include the circuit boards and couplers all other parts are interchangeable through the series. The first coupler designed for the 8873 was a plastic clip with electrically conductive brass under spring tension, cars and powered end cars were simply pushed together gently until clip engaged with post located inside each car. The 88731 used a new design coupler that was flat with electrically conductive brass surrounding it and more surface area for electric transfer than the 8873. The new coupler necessitated the elimination of the center post in each car end which thereby led to a newly designed circuit board that would accept the newly designed couplers.

Please note before you make the motor upgrade to this set there are two distinguishing  remarks I would like to make that might be helpful: 1. one loco coupler is semi-permanent, it needs to be carefully released from the clip that holds it in place. Use gently pressure to wriggle up the opening in the loco shell and with little pressure slide out coupler. *Other coupler will simply slide out at the normal 90 degree angle that is used to couple cars and locos together in this set.  2. Marklin did not have their heads on straight when they assembled my set, they soldered the circuit board whiskers directly to the motor wires. I am not sure if this was widely done with this set, but this is the first I have seen it. In order to change the motor or do a strip down cleaning and re-oiling 4 solder points need to be removed (2 each powered end car). *Do not attempt to remove circuit board without removing the solder points first, motor is held in place under circuit board mounting plates held in place with 7 screws, it is impossible to remove motor and circuit board at the same time. In order to remove solder points heat them up with iron and pull wires away, remove any roughness of solder left on wires by gently heating residual solder with iron, bend wires back in place to make contact with new motor wires. *The down side to this repair are several opportunities to break parts or melt plastic parts with soldering iron. Not all three pole motors need to be replaced and maybe this is one.

Speaking from experience with a couple of 8873 sets, couplers used in this train work great, I have never had one break or malfunction.

“Good night, and good luck.”  -Edward R. Murrow

“Lollo” that’s the name! or BR V 160 for sure!

“Lollo” is the cutest nickname for a hardworking diesel locomotive, but what’s in the name? The loco was nicknamed “Lollo” as an apparent allusion to the actress Gina Lollobrigida and because of the apparent shapely front end of the loco (?). After a quick google search, I told my Wife about the nickname given to this loco, my Wife rolled her eyes when hearing that a loco would be named after an Italian sex symbol; one wonders what else is named ‘Lollo”?

Thus far to the best of my knowledge Marklin has produced 4 variations of the V 160: 3 individual releases and 1 with a train set. Note: two of these locos were renamed in 1968 following Germany’s new classification thus they are technically BR 216’s.


from top:

  1. 8866- German Federal Railroad (DB) BR V 160 pre-production general purpose diesel locomotive. Operating number V 160 003. Era III (1962). Originally sold with 3 pole motor. Build date: 1990-1994.
  2. 88785- German Federal Railroad (DB) BR V 160 pre-production general purpose diesel locomotive. Operating number V 160 005. Era III (1962). Current catalog.
  3. 88782- German Federal Railroad (DB) BR 216 005-9 former BR V 160 reclassified in 1968 as BR 216. Operating number 216 005-9. Build date: 2005-2008.
  4. 81411- HEG – Hersfelder Eisenbahn GmbH privately owned former BR 216, operating number BR V 31. Sold as part of train set 81411 which included loco and 4 hinged roof hoppers. Originally sold with 3 pole motor. Build date: 1997. One Time Series for MHI (Marklin Handlers Initiative).


Photo: the new “Lollo” with bright new grill is second from right!!!

*Note: LED’s on all these locos with warm white and red lamps that change over with direction of travel. Great feature found on all versions of this loco type even with the early ones!!!!! And they are superb runners!

Siding 1: 8866 and 81411 can be upgraded with E211903 5 pole motor.

Siding 2: check out the cool elliptical window that disappeared following modifications to the V 160.

Siding 3: In 1968 the V 160 was reclassified as BR 216, V 162 became BR 217 and V 164 was reclassified BR 218. A very informative Wikipedia page is dedicated to the V 160 that fans should check out.

What was once is here again: 8866 + 88785

The ‘pre-production’ 1962 BR V 160 “Lollo” was released as Marklin 8866 in 1990-1994, here it is again as 88785 with the recent release. Class 160 was an important locomotive development in Germany thereby creating a successor to steam unmatched by other locos at the time. Germany’s new classification of 1968 renamed it BR 216, by then it had also undergone a transformation which will be presented in other posts.


from top:

8866- German Federal Railroad (DB) BR V 160 pre-production general use diesel locomotive. Operating number V 160 003. Build date: 1990-1994.

88785- German Federal Railroad (DB) BR V 160 pre-production general use diesel locomotive. Operating number V 160 005. Build date: current catalog.

Variations in the Marklin models are subtle:  Paint maybe a little brighter (?) on 88785, door numbering is smaller on 88785, frame no longer says ‘Made in West Germany’, electrical equipment insignia has been removed from side panels on 88785, door latches painted on 88785, bright silver grills on 88785, different operating numbers, wheels darkened on 88785, and 5 pole motor is standard with 88785.


Siding 1: 8866 can be easily upgraded with 5 pole motor #E211903.

Siding 2: All variations of V160, BR 216 and BR 218 have always used LED’s thus warm white and red lamps that change over with direction.

Marklin: Maintenance of Way

Marklin’s ‘maintenance of way’ rolling stock and locos is an ever expanding area of collecting including regular releases and limited ones. The daily respect and observance of track, roadbed and signals is an experience we have in common at least keeping track clean for good electrical contact. Railroads around the world perform various levels of maintenance some more than others. Incorporating some of these interesting locos and rolling stock in a layout further represents what railroading is all about, maintenance is key to everything running smoothly in scale or prototypical operation.  This is a very interesting topic for collectors and a number of manufacturers produce some great items including Railex and FR. Check out their sections on this blog. And definitely take a look at FR’s website which seems to include several examples of MOW vehicles from SJ and SBB including a snowplow loco coming up!


  1. 87741- German Federal Railways (DB) type ‘fast measurement’ coach lettered “Messwagen Versuchsanstalt Minden”. Limited European release.


2. 8657.H.F.WIEBE- ‘MSI’ (Marklin Special Imprint) type Krupp-Ardelt crane car and low sided flat car with boom rest lettered for H.F.WIEBE. Car set originally sold with train set 81782 in a limited number of 500. Produced for Conrad Electronic.                                                                      3. 8657.3- German Federal Railroad (DB) Era IV type Krupp-Ardelt crane car and low sided car in yellow with boom rest (Version #3) produced 1991-2008. *two versions proceeded this version with color variations                                                                                                                         4.86571- German Federal Railroad (DB) Era III type Krupp-Ardelt crane car and low sided car with boom rest.

*Note: a single type Krupp-Ardelt crane car with boom rest was released as 8621 in three blue color versions, it was produced 1986 – 1987. All crane cars have working crane, pivoting boom, and swivel cabin.