Marklin’s MHI Release 81356 includes a new design Class 141 electric locomotive and 3 “Silver Coin” coaches comprising their “Commuter Service” train set, but first let’s look at the loco’s new design.

Under the shell are numerous new details at work to support the new motor concept currently being used in new locos. A few basic observations are the robust cast metal frame supporting the circuit board and trucks. Another interesting detail about the frame is its split design: frame is actually two parts held together with 6 machine screws located variously: 1 pair each end and 1 pair in the middle inside an easily removable section between the trucks. Circuit board is sandwiched between the two sections of frame as are all inner workings, and lamp circuit boards are held in slots front and back, two small pieces of black foam are installed between the two sections of frame below the lamp circuit boards. Everything looks different than a traditional Marklin Mini-Club model, but similar in their straight forward design thus it is possible to take it apart but with some difficulty.

Removal of 6 screws holding the frame together should provide easy disassembly of the loco but that is not the case. Bushings holding the frame parts and screws are tightly fitted and prone to breaking plus circuit board is taped down on one end (2 bushings on my loco were stripped with a crack in one). And freeing the circuit board is half the battle as the frame is gently pried apart a little at a time from end to end with care not to break the bushings. Bushings are tightly mounted in the frame thus the frame is tightly held together even without the screws, it appears the screws main job is expanding the bushings thus making a tighter connection with the the 2 part frame (?).

After the frame is pulled apart the trucks simply pop out, their plastic housings fit within indents in frame and secured by pressing the frame parts together. A further interesting detail about the trucks are the nylon gearing which have been greased not oiled at the factory. And coupler/spring assembly is secured by plate facing up rather than down as with previous locos. If there is a problem with coupler/spring which there shouldn’t be the loco will have to be taken apart to free the trucks.

A motor with robust worm drive is maintenance free (no brushes to be replaced) and quiet to run, but instructions do advise oiling the trucks from time to time (intervals of 20 hours run time). Note: small pieces of yellow acetate are mounted below both lamp circuit boards.

The loco in my set arrived with poor/non-working running characteristics, one truck stiff and seized (angled upward not parrellel to underside of shell): trucks should rock gently up and down with wheel-sets able to make contact with track. Taking the loco apart and reassembled fixed the problem: something was out of sync likely due to shipping. Not a big deal, but I would advise sending defective items back to Marklin thus receiving full warranty coverage, I don’t advise following my lead.
The shell of this loco is a real winner as can be seen on the roof with improved detailing with addition of add-on parts. And grab rails below windows on both ends. The latter was a great surprise! This set is part of a small handful of items in recent years manufactured in China following the Kittel of recent memory.
Marklin’s description of the set: German Federal Railroad (DB) “Commuter Service” train set: 1- class 141 electric locomotive with 5-light headlights / marker lights, multiple forced air vents with vertical fins, and a continuous rain gutter, 1- type Bnrzb 725 “Silberling” (Silver Coins) commuter car, 2nd class, 1- type ABnrzb 704 “Silberling” (Silver Coins) commuter car, 1st/2nd class, and 1- “Silberling” (Silver Coins) commuter cab control car, 2nd class, with an engineer’s cab. All of the units look as they did in Era IV. Special One Time Release for the MHI Program (Marklin Handler Initiative).

Siding: Parts List for this set does not include part numbers for retaining bushings for frame and no part number for circuit board, Marklin indicates parts on schematic without part numbers require Marklin repair department.