Category Archives: Rolling Stock

SBB: FR Freight Car Set 41.345.12

The recent release of an SBB 2 car set by FR with type Xas73 ballast cars is already sold out, it took just a week for all 22 to be sold, but the obvious appeal is evident in this highly detailed metal car set.

For Era IV-VI, type Xas73 ballast cars are mechanically operated hoppers loaded with railway ballast: an operator can open and close 4 separate discharge gates by means of large handles modeled in FR’s car set.

Ballasting railway right of way is an important function of MOW services, but not many examples exist in Z at least for the SBB (Swiss Federal Railroad). Paint scheme of gray with white lettering is based on the prototype, this same paint scheme has been used with other rolling stock of the SBB not limited to MOW traffic.

Limited to 22 sets only is a very small edition compared to the sizable releases by Marklin and others. I was lucky enough to see it listed on the FR website and ordered immediately, one more reason to frequently check in with the FR website, registering your email with Harald Freudenreich will also ensure that you receive the semi-annual newsletter.

Car set comes packaged in the standard FR plastic box silkscreened with the FR logo, dense foam lining keeps the cars safe.

Pulling the ballast cars is a BR Re 4/4 II for the SBB. This general purpose locomotive was released by Marklin for Z in 2012 as item #88590.



Marklin 81371: “Heavy Freight” Train Set (factory weathered)

Marklin’s Era III 81371 train set is still available but in limited supply: 499 sets. The train set features the heavy freight loco class 44 paired with 6 hoppers. Striking in appearance, the set features realistic heavy weathering and detailed running gear. Lot’s of action from greatly improved side rods is what’s going on in Z at Marklin these days: steam locos with grit and character more closely resembling their prototypes than ever before.

Manufactured well before the Second World War and through it until ’49 the BR 44 was a heavy hauler freight locomotive. Its numbers approached 2000, but not all locomotives stayed in Germany, twenty five percent stayed within the railways of PKP, OBB, CSD, SNCF, and DR after the war and today all but two remain operational.

The 81371 locomotive with operating number BR 44 1754 features 10 coupled and powered driving wheels with smoke deflectors. Weathering on the locomotive is tinted red with light but heavy application leaving all inscriptions legible which is a fine trick and difficult to achieve. The prototypical color of the weathering is suggestive of the acidity created by the mixing coal soot and steam on the sides of the iron boilers and plates.

Marklin has been slowly releasing weathered versions of locos and rolling stock after regular versions have debuted. For modelers looking for more and more realism these Marklin weathered items are tops! Surely impossible to weather as well as Marklin has done here certain talented folks out there could attempt the same with airbrushing, but color is as important as technique, and I am glad not to have to attempt it here!

*Archistories Prussian brick loco shed gives accurate scale to this loco thus providing historical context as well.

Six type Ootz hopper cars weathered with sooty black complete the set with lettering Erz IId. No coal loads are included, but the empty cars include weathering throughout their bays. This car type included two partitioned sections each with sloping hoppers for very quick dumping of bulk materials.

Siding: airbrushing results are far easier and trouble free with water based paints likewise water based final coat of clear lacquer should be considered to protect your work.

Siding: 81371 comes packaged in a carton housing cartons for 2 sets of 3 hoppers and 1 for the loco, item numbers printed on the cartons is as follows: hoppers (81371-01 + 81371-02) and loco (81371-03). Boxes are important to collectors and keeping them pristine is important too: open flap boxes with a butter knife to save from denting and dinging. And no butter on that knife!


SBB CFF FFS L2 Freight Car

Released as a kit, this type L2 freight car for SBB CFF FFS was produced by FR. It was delivered with nickel silver parts and dry transfer lettering, this one I purchased assembled from an Ebay seller.

The kit is another early example that used some Marklin parts with FR add-on parts as well as design. The chassis and wheel sets are Marklin and all other parts are FR. Nickel silver parts arrived on a sheet that required separation of parts followed by painting and lettering. The modeler who put this one together did a pretty good job, it appears 5 minute epoxy was used as the cement. Note: a final coat of semi-gloss water based lacquer is sprayed over the decals for protection.

The L2 freight car is used on the Swiss Federal Railways to haul scrap metal. The open grate design on top half of car versus solid sides maybe used to cut down on car weight.

Assembling FR kits is for experienced modelers, instructions are always printed in German and knowledge bending and cementing thin metal parts is a further requirement. Best painting is carried out with water based paints and airbrushing.

Siding: Faller’s laser-cut Bahnhof Huinghausen station provides the backdrop for this post.

Factory Weathering: Marklin 82267 boxcar

Marklin’s factory weathering doesn’t get any better, and this example is another superb example. Featuring a post on one freight car is worth the effort, single cars can sometimes be overshadowed by the glaring goodness of fancy beautiful train sets and locos in the mini-club program, but individual cars add interest at sidings as they are essential to railroad operations.

Turn this car in the light and depth of detail reveals those qualities such as crisp timber construction, lettering and tiniest bolt heads.

Mated with the early Marklin logo this type GI high capacity boxcar with brakeman’s platform is Era III and weathered to perfection.

Note: The prototype of this Era III boxcar was perhaps loaded with diecast H0 locos and tin-plate rolling stock and other Marklin toys of the 1950’s.

Note: The un-weathered version of the GI boxcar with Era III Marklin lettering was featured as the 2009 Museum Wagen (Item #80020).

Siding: MBZ building kits such as the one featured in this post are available in the United States exclusively from MBZ kits are a bit more primitive and tricky to assemble as compared with Archistories kits which are rigid precise constructions. A natural old weathered look is inescapably linked to MBZ, they are good kits to round out the architecture on a layout or diorama.


FS Italia 2 car freight set by FR

The quick sell-out of a new release freight car set is due to the desirability of the extreme precision of its manufacturer FR plus limitation of 32 total worldwide.

Painted and lettered for FS-Italia (Ferrovie dello Stato) this two car set includes 1- Carro tipo Ghms peaked roof boxcar and 1- type E steel gondola.

Construction: injection molded plastic with metal chassis.

Item number 39.012.02

Note: FR Freudenreich items can be purchased directly from the manufacturer or quality-toys-trains on Ebay.

Marklin Special Imprints: 8600 Series Cars

In the late 1970’s thru now Marklin Special Imprints have been available on a very limited basis. As older collections are dismantled and sold these rarities can only be found occasionally on Ebay. Growing a collection of special imprints takes time and commitment due to their very limited availability, but the hunt is fun! Marklin has continued to produce special imprints cars mostly commemorating train events, but the early cars celebrated a vast array of products and manufacturers with very exciting graphics and always featuring the Marklin “m”. The Marklin “m” on the sides of these cars indicates printing by Marklin versus its omission on privately printed cars known as “Industry Prints” equally rare and sought after.

In the Marklin Special Imprint category is the 8600 type refrigerator car, this car type has been used more than any other for special imprints possibly owing to its smooth sides.

Printed in small numbers these commissions are often limited to 100-200 worldwide with the Swiss Hbis car types printed in editions of 300 and others of 500. A good reference for SMI’s is Koll’s Spezial Katalog 1996 + 1997, both highlight year produced, edition size and value. Pricing SMI’s is tricky business possibly due to their infrequent appearance in the market, but rare items tend to be hard to price in general.

Here are four recent finds on Ebay:

1. NORTHEIMER DIAT PILS, Koll’s #87018 (year produced 1987), edition: 100

2. DAB (Dortmunder Actien-Brauerei) Pilsener, produced in 1998 to commemorate the Intermodellbau ’98 1-5 April 1998

3. Lohrer Bier, Koll’s #88023 (year produced 1988), edition: 100

4. Bad Vilbeler Ur Quelle, Koll’s #88010 (year produced 1988), edition: 200

Siding: Koll’s published 4 books for mini-club collectors: KOLL’S PREIS-KATALOG MARKLIN Spur Z 1996 (standard releases), KOLL’S SPEZIAL KATALOG 1996 (SMI reference book), KOLL’S PREIS-KATALOG MARKLIN Spur Z 1997 (standard releases), KOLL’S SPEZIAL KATALOG 1997 (SMI reference book). The two standard release books are fun to look at, but the ultimate guide for standard releases is COLLECTION Marklin Spur Z released in 2015 by Thomas Zeeb, this book was released in a special boxed edition with the 2015 Toy Fair loco 88422: BR 111 with experimental paint scheme. Note: Marklin loco 88422 was originally released with the book, but it is also being sold now without the book, before you order one ask the dealer if it includes the book.

Railex versus Z-Modellbau: Kof II showdown

Until Z-Modellbau took the challenge to manufacturer a Z Kof II with a Motor (!!!!) our choice was limited to mechanical rolling non-motorized Kof’s by Schmidt and Railex.

The Railex example here is cast brass (red paint scheme lettered for DB with open cab and black running boards) with fine detailing inside the cab, it was a very good example of a Kof II that Railex produced along with variations of this type.

Headlamps are non-working in both locomotives but Z-Modellbau rendered them white in perfect circles versus Railex which are hand-painted silver.

What to do with a non-working model train: use it of course! Before brushless motors manufacturers of Z gauge had certain limitations placed on their ambitions. Z gauge is already small in size so therefore modeling the smallest prototypes yield problem after problem including where to put a motor and gears. The solution with their larger steam locos and tenders was locating the drive mechanism within a passenger or freight car hence they were called “ghost cars” because they became hidden locomotives, but they allowed the locomotive to pull cars so to speak figuratively not literally. I collect Railex, they are beautiful and fun to behold. As for ghost cars I have never owned one, I understand they can be temperamental and many I see for sale are offered “not working”. Ghost cars can be built by industrious engineers with a clever creative side which describes most of us Z-scalers, if you choose the to take the challenge the rewards are big and stalled trains from 19th century Germany may come to life on your railway line.

Photo: no couplers on Railex, Z-Modellbau uses Marklin compatible couplers of their own design that unobtrusive in this small loco

Now the time is ripe for ambitious manufacturers to create smaller locos in Z that function, today brushless motors from Switzerland are available in a variety of small sizes so releasing new locos with this motor should be easy? Wrong. From idea to final market ready model is a design and manufacturing “Matterhorn” so to speak. Having the idea is the first step followed by researching the prototype’s blueprints, putting into scale, designing the parts and assembly. Every step is time consuming and difficult with a fair share of creative thinking, ingenuous problem solving and sheer expertise in tooling and production. The latter always flabbergasts me, how can anyone be gifted with such abilities that tiny tiny tiny details appear in such small locos at the same time concealing their build.

With the Railex Kof which is cast with add-on parts in cast brass the model is beautiful with a securing plate screwed to the undercarriage that simply holds the wheel-sets on: simple and beautifully designed. This example does not have couplers thus making it a stand alone model train.

Photo: Railex Koff hauling livestock boxcar both lettered for DB

The Z-Modellbau Kof II for NSB has an enclosed cab with glazed windows and their own unique design for a Marklin compatible coupler. A 10 volt coreless motor runs the show including gearing that allow smooth acceleration and deceleration but without working headlamps. Headlamps are beautifully modeled as if lit. Locomotive is weighted and balanced due to its metal nature throughout so pulling power is very good.

Photo: Railex Kof II is true to prototypical scale giving the boxcars the impression of great size

Small locomotives serve very important functions including shunting and branchline while others not covered here serve MOW (Maintenance of Way) service, they (speeders) are still smaller than the kofs  with one purpose: track inspection.

Siding: seen here are the two livestock boxcars comprising the Marklin 2 car freight set: 86602. For the first time this car type features interior detailing in the form of gates, it also includes laser cut build kit for loading ramp and movable fence sections.

FR: SJ BP tank car uniquely paired Marklin MSI

Ever wonder how many Marklin MSI’s have been produced? I have and one extraordinary collector has them all, his audacity in acquiring them is an achievement in itself winning him the Guinness Book of World Records for the feat in 2006, his name is Gilles Monk of Belgium.

One relatively obscure Marklin Special Imprint is a tank car lettered for BP and used on the SJ: type 8612 mini-club tank car lettered for BP Svenska released in 1989 with Koll’s #89717 and Miba/Monk #423 released in an edition of 200.

Here the 1989 MSI tank car (top) is paired with a superb repainting and lettering for BP/SJ by FR with item number 46.396.01 and produced in a total edition of 35 with black paint scheme.

This is a reworked Marklin mini-club tank car that is infrequently offered by FR to round out various types of Scandinavian rolling stock. Reworked and repainted includes newly designed and richly detailed metal add-on parts (more intricate than the original) and complete removal of original paint and lettering. This type of production is labor intensive from research to final car thus making these releases attractive historically, and small batch release makes them ever more collectible.

FR Week: NSB Auto Transport 47.819.02

Auto transport is one type of freight all world railroads carry as a load, but in Norway autos are sheltered from vandals and the elements in enclosed boxcars. Type Hccrrs auto transport cars are very interesting in design and function owing to their unique appearance. A bellows gangway connects the cars with signage lettering for Auto Transport Service A.s Drammen.

FR’s attention to detail and precision manufacturing is evident in these cars, much time passed between announcement of the new release and availability: several years in fact. Modeling the bellows connection slowed release until a perfect solution was achieved. Design and manufacturing are slow going processes that perfectionist manufacturers like FR have in common with other firms thus if not as many releases are coming out of your favorite manufacturer it is probably due to how much they care about getting it right.

Model: metal construction with permanent metal drawbar connecting pairs of cars with marklin couplers.

The cars in this set are sold in pairs with item ending in ’02’ indicating two pairs thus this item number is 47.819.02 (47 indicating country code for NSB).

FR 41.332.02: SBB low side gondolas for MOW service

Rolling stock representing MOW service cars can be found for Swiss Federal Railways manufactured by FR. The FR 2 car set with item number 41.332.02 includes 2-type Xs71 low side gondolas used in this example for hauling away old wood sleepers.

Featuring authentic weathering and aging the sleepers in these loads look like perfect examples to be removed and replaced with new ones. Maintenance of way operations are as important in Switzerland as with any other railroad in the world, but their exemplary track maintenance practices excel far and above other countries including the United States.

As with all FR rolling stock the chassis is constructed of metal, and body is constructed of injection molded plastic (*some FR freight cars are constructed entirely of metal, the rule for FR seems to be utilizing the correct materials for the design build). FR insignia is incorporated on the underside of chassis.

This set combined with FR’s and Marklin’s Sersa sets round out a track maintenance trainset used in Switzerland.

Marklin 88692

Marklin 82517

FR 41.331.12

Siding: Sersa is a privately owned company for the repair and maintenance of railway right of way in Switzerland.