Marklin: Maintenance of Way

Marklin’s ‘maintenance of way’ rolling stock and locos is an ever expanding area of collecting including regular releases and limited ones. The daily respect and observance of track, roadbed and signals is an experience we have in common at least keeping track clean for good electrical contact. Railroads around the world perform various levels of maintenance some more than others. Incorporating some of these interesting locos and rolling stock in a layout further represents what railroading is all about, maintenance is key to everything running smoothly in scale or prototypical operation.  This is a very interesting topic for collectors and a number of manufacturers produce some great items including Railex and FR. Check out their sections on this blog. And definitely take a look at FR’s website which seems to include several examples of MOW vehicles from SJ and SBB including a snowplow loco coming up!


  1. 87741- German Federal Railways (DB) type ‘fast measurement’ coach lettered “Messwagen Versuchsanstalt Minden”. Limited European release.


2. 8657.H.F.WIEBE- ‘MSI’ (Marklin Special Imprint) type Krupp-Ardelt crane car and low sided flat car with boom rest lettered for H.F.WIEBE. Car set originally sold with train set 81782 in a limited number of 500. Produced for Conrad Electronic.                                                                      3. 8657.3- German Federal Railroad (DB) Era IV type Krupp-Ardelt crane car and low sided car in yellow with boom rest (Version #3) produced 1991-2008. *two versions proceeded this version with color variations                                                                                                                         4.86571- German Federal Railroad (DB) Era III type Krupp-Ardelt crane car and low sided car with boom rest.

*Note: a single type Krupp-Ardelt crane car with boom rest was released as 8621 in three blue color versions, it was produced 1986 – 1987. All crane cars have working crane, pivoting boom, and swivel cabin.



Next generation of mini-club box?


I just received the latest BR 212 diesel locomotive, it arrived with a brand new box design. Is this the start of a new box for mini-club? Going from the previous black to predominately white box with new graphics is a nice departure from the former. This will be the fourth generation of mini-club box since 1972 with the ‘wood grain’ design fold-out display box followed in due course by the brown photo illustrated box that was out for many years. The third of course is the black box roughly corresponding to the transition to 5 pole motors, roughly corresponding because the first loco with a 5 pole was the newly tooled DB class 143 released in the characteristic brown box,  it would be a year or two before the black box arrived but close enough to signal the new direction for mini-club. Now a new box coming at a time with the advent of new motors, enhanced retooling of locos including increased detail and action of steam loco side rods, and of course the many newly designed locos and rolling stock ! An infusion of excitement is unfolding and the new box maybe signalling a new future for mini-club!

Featured: Marklin Z 88216


Coreless motors in Z: Should Marklin move to this new technology?

Coreless motors have taken ‘Z’ by storm. The successful use of these new propulsion systems are used in locos designed for them. A few conversions are now available for Marklin F7’s for a price, but successful conversions of these motors in traditional Marklin Z frames will be for another discussion. Locos designed for coreless motors come from the workbench of Harald Freudenreich at FR, Harald has very successfully created beautifully tooled locos using coreless motors for a number of years now. Characteristics of coreless motors are very good propulsion at low speeds and completely quiet with added weight to assist with better movement on the tracks as well as pulling power. Marklin has gotten into the act offering some new locos with coreless motors, but these have not made it to general release yet. A few questions arise concerning Marklin’s foray into this new technology, and if they should incorporate them into Z trains. At the heart of the question is an already very successful history with their 3 pole and now 5 pole motors that have proven themselves for 40 plus years. I like the hum and glow of Marklin mini-club motors, but the design perfection of Marklin mini-club is furthered by the ease with which most can be maintained, that could get lost with this new technology.

I will close with that old adage: “If it isn’t broken why fix it?”



Upgrading 8856 to 5 Pole Motor

Just a few notes and highlights about upgrading the motor for 8856 ‘Krokodil’. The 5 pole motor is currently available from mostly German dealers on Ebay, it is part number E211904. There are a couple of pitfalls and things to be aware of before you decide to make the repair. First is the rather awkward nature of the design of this loco, it uses a very small circuit board which thereby requires six wires to be soldered from it to the articulated frames, being that there is little room under the hood and the wires maybe 30 years old resoldering some maybe required!

Getting started: After the cabin and hoods are removed the circuit board is unscrewed (2 screws) and the pins removed from the wheel frames. BIG NOTE: 2 rubber washers are located between circuit board and motor frame, be careful not to lose these tiny parts after unscrewing circuit board! Motor frame is thus free from the loco and motor can be easily replaced with the new one, but first the new motor needs to be prepped; bend capacitor so that it is level with rest of motor (it is delivered with the capacitor bent upwards), the capacitor will rest under circuit board and above worm drive (this makes sense when you see it). Use great care putting the center frame back in place, the objective is to not break any wires. Don’t forget to put those rubber washers back in place. Wa lah!!!

Enjoy a much quieter “Krok”!!!!

Marklin 5 Pole Motors

Marklin 5 pole motors have been around for awhile, they were introduced in 1999 with the release of the DB class 143 loco #88431. The 88431 release made no mention of this new motor, but it was soon found out and happily too! The 5 pole has been the standard motor for all locos since, but it is important to mention the 3 pole was a record setter and powerhouse. Marklin makes available 5 pole motors for older locos, should the conversion be made? Brushes have become hard to come by for 3 poles which helps to sway the decision for converting to 5 pole, and your loco with the 5 pole will be more responsive at slow idling and quieter. The price of 5 pole motors varies greatly and availability has become less and less; Walthers lists several motor types as ‘sold out.’ Ebay is a good source when your dealer cannot provide them.

The following is a picture guide of five mini-club motors I use:

_DSF9601  E211903 is installed in most Marklin Z locos by far (SBB 460’s, American F7’s, VT 11.5’s and more), it features two standard gears at opposite ends of the armature.

_DSF9599 E209452 features worm gear both sides, it is used in all railbuses. Note: motor sold without brushes. This is the only Marklin Z 5 pole motor produced in Germany all others are China.

_DSF9600 E211914 features gear on one side, it is used for one purpose: replaces 3 pole motor in 8998 turntable. *See my blog on making this repair. Note: 5 pole motor is available for 8994 transfer table.

_DSF9598 E211904 features worm drive gearing on both ends, it used in 8856 and 8852 ‘Krokodil’s’.

_DSF9597 E211905 features worm drive gearing on both ends, it is used in BR 144’s such as 8825.

Siding 1: The very successful class 143 electric loco was developed in East Germany as class 243. Marklin’s interpretation of the prototype includes the DR version as well as DB versions with LED’s and superb detailing. The current 88435 is one such example of a privately owned class 143 lettered for RBH Logistics GmgH.

Siding 2: Before installing a new 5 pole motor run it in both directions to break-in brushes. A common reason locos don’t run after 5 pole motor installation is likely due to circuit board whiskers not making contact with capacitor.

Marklin 8873: Tales of HOS!?!?!?

I just received the original Marklin TEE VT 11.5 train set 8873 and matching coach set 8793 from a dealer’s old inventory. For a train set that has been stored for almost 20 years and probably on its side I expected HOS (hardened oil syndrome), I wasn’t disappointed! Not only did the trucks not move freely, but the loco shells were cemented onto the chassis. With gentle nudging on each side of the shell I was able to eventually work them free, but the window glazings came too! Typically HOS is evidenced by an opaque tan clay like substance from the oil drying out, but this time it was an all over clear residue that even leaked onto the outer chassis thereby gluing the window glazing tight to it. The motors were even glued to the chassis frame thus began the repair and restoration work that started with soaking all unpainted surfaces in a mild solvent otherwise known to this blog as ‘Original’ Windex (blue) followed by the pain staking process of using no scratch toothpicks to gently loosen the rough crust of old dried up oil. Usually bringing back an old Marklin Z loco is straight forward and easy, but this time was very unusual due in part to too much of the wrong oil used and then long term storage on its side. Patience is expressly stated for the best results and lots of toothpicks. After moving points are cleaned up use new Labelle oil (viscosity for Z only) sparingly and enjoy the fruits of your labors. Window glazing was reattached using 5 minute epoxy. *Use only 5 minute epoxy when reattaching plastic parts, it is the only glue for tough durable repairs that don’t damage plastic. ****Avoid plastic cements like Faller ‘Expert’, they will melt your loco and coaches.*****************

Siding 1: The shells of both end units on all VT 11.5’s and versions should easily slide off using gently pressure with a small screwdriver placed in the car end located in the coupling hole (*remember to remove coupler before attempting to remove shell) if it is sluggish work both sides with very gentle pressure to avoid cracking or marking shell housing.

Siding 2: 8873 greatly benefits from upgrading the original 3 pole motor to the new E211903 5 pole motor. Because each end unit is powered this train set will require 2 motors with an approximate cost of $100 total, but you can sell the old motors on Ebay for $20 each.

Siding 3: Store your Marklin Z locos on their wheels otherwise the oil will pool inside the loco and not out the bottom. This is an important rule for long term storage.

MSI’s: Marklin 8622 car type

In the MSI category very few 8622 car types were produced, one from 1985 is the BP Stromeyer, this one was matched with an 8626 type tank car in an 8163 starter set.


  1. 8622 car type MSI lettered for BP stromeyer, Koll’s #85710, edition size: 500. *Originally sold with the 8626 tank car MSI (same Koll’s number) lettered for BP stromeyer as a starter set that also included a BR 89 locomotive.
  2.  86225- 2 car hopper set lettered for H.F. WIEBE, released 2005


MSI’s: Marklin 8661 car type


from top:

  1. Schwanen-Brau, Koll’s #91001, edition size: 140
  2. Stuttgarter Hofbrau, Koll’s #91002, edition size: 250
  3. Neckar-Echo, *pictured right, Koll’s #91701, edition size: 100
  4. Sarotti, Koll’s #91702, edition size: 250
  5. Herbsthauser Biere, Koll’s #92001, edition size: 200
  6. Markgrafen-Brau, Koll’s #92003, edition size: 300


7. Rizzibrau, Koll’s #92004, edition size: 300                                                                                           8. Kapuzinerbrau, Koll’s #92005, edition size: 300                                                                                9. Monchshof, Koll’s #92006, edition size: 300                                                                                          10. Forchtenberger Flatterberg, wgf., *left in photo on right, Koll’s #92007, edition size: 200      11. ICI – Lacke Farben, *right in photo on right, Koll’s #92701, edition size: 100                           12. EUROPA ’92, Koll’s #92702, edition size: 200                                                                                      13. Sauglings-Fursorge der Stadt Berlin, 1993 Insider Club Car, Koll’s #93001,                           edition size: 1000                                                                                                                                            14. Wasseralfinger Schlegelbrau-Bier, Koll’s #94001, edition size: 100


15. Koepf Bier, Koll’s #94002, edition size: 100                                                                                      16. EXPORT-BIER – DINKELACKER STUTTGART, Koll’s #94004, edition size: 100                             17. LAGER-BIER – DINKELACKER STUTTGART, Koll’s #94005, edition size: 100                                18. Wimpfener Puppenmuseum, Koll’s #94701, edition size: 100                                                     19. WEIPERT, Koll’s #94702, edition size: 100                                                                                            20. SCUPIN, Koll’s #94703, edition size: 100


21. Heineken, Koll’s #95002, edition size: 100                                                                                         22. BRAUEREI ZUM ENGL. HAUS, Koll’s #95003, edition size: 100                                                       23. ENGLISCH HOF-BRAU, Koll’s #95004, edition size: 100                                                                     24. Wagenseil’schen Brauerei, Koll’s #95006, edition size: 100                                                         25. Ochsen-Signet der ULMER BRAUEREI GESELLSCH LAGER BIER,                                                       Koll’s #96001, edition size: 100                                                                                                                 26. Ochsen-Signet der ULMER BRAUEREI GESELLSCH PILSENER BIER,                                            Koll’s #96002, edition size: 100


27. AKT. BRAUEREI WULLE, Koll’s #96003, edition size: 100                                                                  28. BINDING Lager, Koll’s #96004, edition size: 300                                                                              29. Richard Snaga Hannover, Z Club International club wagen,                                                      Koll’s #96702, edition size: 800                                                                                                                   30. Wilhelm Bader – Wilbader, Koll’s #96704, edition size: 100                                                          31. VEREINIGTE MARGARINE-WERKE…NURNBERG, Koll’s 96705,                                                     edition size: 100                                                                                                                                             32. Giengener Bier, 8661.012, Miba/Monk #1008, released 1996


33. HEINRICH HARLE Brauerei Aulendorf, 8661.023, Miba/Monk #1046,                                      released 1996                                                                                                                                                 34. ANKER-BROT, 8661. 039, Miba/Monk#1186, released 1998                                                          35. Gauder Bock Zillertal, 8661.042, Miba/Monk #1211, released 1999                                        36. BRASSEREI du CARDINAL FRIBOURG SUISSE, 8661.901,                                                Miba/Monk #1343, edition size: 300, released 2000                                                                            37. SALMEN – BIER, 8661. 904, Miba/Monk #1433, edition size: 300,                                                   released 2001                                                                                                                                                 38. LOWENBRAU ZURICH, 8661.905, Miba/Monk #1434, edition size: 300,                                     released 2001


39. ANKER BIER, 8661.907, Miba/Monk #1481, edition size: 300,                                                       released 2002                                                                                                                                                 40. A.STIHL TRAGBARE BAUMFALL KETTENSAGEN, 8661.021,                                              Miba/Monk #1045, edition size: 100, released 1996

MSI’s: Marklin 8612 car type

Marklin 8612 car type designates a two axle tank car. The MSI 8612 is/was mostly designed and lettered for petroleum companies from around the world. This MSI has proven to be a particular favorite for many collectors featuring a global representation with lively colors and graphics. Marklin has produced this MSI in recent years, but earlier ones are hard to come by; Ebay lists a half dozen different ones at any given time, sometimes more if a collection is being sold. One good source for this and other MSI’s is operated by Rob Kluz of Z Track Magazine: check often, excellent prices and rarity sends things out the door quickly.


from top:

  1. Stromeyer, originally sold as part of a starter set, Koll’s #79701, edition size: 500
  2. Asbach Uralt, Koll’s #86001, edition size: 300
  3. KERAMCHEMIE KCH, Koll’s #86701, edition size: 100
  4. FINA, Koll’s #86703, edition size: 100
  5. RAAB KARCHER (rot), Koll’s #86704, edition size: 200
  6. Wintershall Mineralot, Koll’s #86705, edition size: 200


7. Herberts, Koll’s #86706, edition size: 200                                                                                               8. TOTAL, Koll’s #86707, edition size: 100                                                                                                   9. BASF, Koll’s #86708, edition size: 200                                                                                                     10. elf, Koll’s #86709, edition size: 200                                                                                                      11. Herbsthauser Bier, Koll’s #87002, edition size 200                                                                      12. ELLER MONTAN, Koll’s #87701, edition size: 100


13. MIGROL Heizol, Koll’s #87702, edition size: 300                                                                                14. huls, Koll’s #87703, edition size: 100                                                                                                   15. Chevron, Koll’s #87704, edition size: 300                                                                                          16. SCHERING AG, Koll’s #87708, edition size: 100                                                                                   17. FANAL, Koll’s #87709, edition size: 100                                                                                              18. HANIEL Heizol, Koll’s #87710, edition size: 100


19. ol muller, 8612.261, Koll’s #87711, edition size: 100                                                                       20. DEUTSCHE ASPHALT, Koll’s 87713, edition size: 100                                                                      21. woellner, 8612.244, Koll’s #87714, edition size: 300                                                                          22. VVV, 8612.268, Koll’s #87715, edition size: 500                                                                                    23. SACHTLEBEN, Koll’s #87718, edition size: 100                                                                                  24. WESTFALEN-GAS, Koll’s #87719, edition size: 100


25. UNION KRAFTSTOFF, Koll’s #87721, editon size: 100                                                                        26. Hoechst (large letters), Koll’s #87723, edition size: 200                                                                     27. KLOCKNER PENTAPLAST, 8612.204, Koll’s #87724, Miba/Monk #204, edition size: 100            28. SIGLOCH WEINKELLEREI, 8612.341, Koll’s #88001, edition size: 200                                              29. CARBO, Koll’s #88703, edition size: 200                                                                                                30. Q8 (white), Koll’s #88708, edition size: 300


31. FUELS, Koll’s #88709, edition size: 100                                                                                                  32. MESSER GRIESHEIM, Koll’s #88710, edition size: 100                                                                         33. PRIMAGAS, Koll’s #88711, edition size: 100                                                                                         34. Mobil 1, Koll’s #88713, edition size: 100                                                                                               35. SCHINDLER CHEMIE, Koll’s #88714, edition size: 100                                                                        36. LM – LIQUI MOLY, Koll’s #88715, edition size: 100


37. LM-TOURING MOTOROIL, Koll’s #88716, ediiton size: 100                                                              38. LM-TOURING, Koll’s #88717, edition size: 100                                                                                    39. KRUPP HEIZOL, Koll’s #88718, edition size: 100                                                                                  40. CIBA-GEIGY AEROLITE, Koll’s #88719, edition size: 300                                                                     41. Weingartnergenossenschaft Niederhall, Koll’s #89001, edition size: 200                                  42. Wasserwagen, Koll’s #89002, edition size: 500


43. Eka Nobel, Koll’s #89706, edition size: 100                                                                                          44. calpam, Koll’s #89708, edition size: 300                                                                                               45. VALVOLINE Motor Oil, Koll’s #89709, edition size: 100                                                                     46. Q8 (dark blue), Koll’s #89711, edition size: 200                                                                                    47. STATOIL, Koll’s #89716, edition size: 200                                                                                              48. BP, Koll’s #89717, edition size: 200


49. mann, Koll’s #90002, edition size: 200                                                                                                  50. Sulzbach/Saar, Koll’s #91701, edition size: 500                                                                                   51. 100 Jahre transsibirische Eisenbahn, Koll’s #92705, edition size: 500                                     52. TOTAL (Simotra- SNCF) Marklin #82823.1, Koll’s #96701, Miba/Monk #989, edition size: 300 53. SHELL (Simotra- SNCF) Marklin #82823.2, Koll’s #96701, Miba/Monk #987, edition size: 300  54. ESSO (Simotra- SNCF) Marklin #82823.3, Koll’s #96701, Miba/Monk #988, edition size: 300


55. MOTOREX, Marklin #8612.901, Koll’s #96702, edition size: 300                                                       56. VALVOLINE, Marklin #8612.904, Koll’s #96703, edition size: 300                                                    57. OK Coop, Marklin #8612.905, Koll’s #96704, edition size: 300                                                          58. elf, Marklin #8612.902, Koll’s #96705, edition size: 300                                                                     59. GATOIL, Marklin #8612.900, Koll’s #96706, edition size: 300                                                            60. ASEOL, Marklin 8612.907, Miba/Monk #1069


61. LONZA, Marklin #8612.908, Miba/Monk #1071, released 1997                                                       62. FELDSCHOLSSEN BIER, Marklin #8612.909, Miba/Monk #1239, released 1999                            63. CICA, Marklin #8612.910, Miba/Monk #1240, released 1999                                                            64. TAMOIL, Marklin #8612.913, Miba/Monk #1294, released 1999                                                      65. Transportation Corps U.S. Army, Marklin #8612.024, Miba/Monk #1322, released 1999        66. Mobil, Marklin #8612.918, Miba/Monk #1366, released 2000


67. Pan Gas, Marklin #8612.919, Miba/Monk #1364, released 2000                                                     68. SBB Instruktions-Wagen, Marklin 8612.923, Miba/Monk #1420, released 2001                         69. B CARGO, Marklin #8612.804, Miba/Monk #1467, released 2002                                                    70. MAGMA, Marklin #8612.040, Miba/Monk #1614, released 2004

Marklin Railbuses

Marklin Z Railbuses were introduced in 1988 with model 8122 and MSI model “McDonalds” followed in 1989 with 8816. Model 8122 was a railbus and trailer set decorated and lettered for the regional line “Cheimgau-Bahn” and 8816 was a standard class 798 railbus (*trailer was sold separately). In 1991 another MSI model was released, this one was made by Railex and lettered for RAG Germany’s largest coal mining corporation, special edition RAG railbus and trailer set was sold unpowered which included the shell only for the powered end unit. Next came the 8802 in 1991 (released in two versions) and later (1999) replaced by the 5 pole motor version 88021. 8802 and 88021 were very interesting MOW railbuses, but in Z they are used for cleaning track with the unique and very interesting design using a buffing wheel that successfully dislodges large dirt, grease, oil and oxidation needs to be removed with a pass of denatured alcohol on a clean cloth. Not pictured in this collection is the MSI 88161 with imprinting for        5. mini-club Treffen Speyer 28./29. September 96: One Time Series 1996. The Austrain railbus 88162 was a One TIme Series in 1998, it is much sought after today. From 1994-2008 the 8831 lettered for “Jagermeister” enjoyed the longest run in railbuses from Marklin with early ones employing the original 3 pole motor and late ones with the 5 pole motor installed. Two MSI’s followed in 2001 and 2002: 88164 + 88165. In 2008 a One Time Series for the MHI program was released in a special edition, the railbus and trailer were lettered for Doorncaat and included two Doorncaat glasses. Finally the limited release of the railbus and box car set 88313 in 2010.


from top:

  1. 88701 – Special imprint class 798 railbus lettered “McDonald’s voll in Fahrt,” Koll’s #88701, edition size: 1000. Originally sold as a starter set with track and 9 volt battery throttle.
  2. 8112- Chiemgau-Bahn class 798 railbus and class 998 railbus trailer. Build date: 1988-1994.
  3. 91702 – Special imprint class 798 railbus and class 998 railbus trailer lettered for                RAG (Ruhrkohle AG). Collaboration between Railex and Z-Club International. Class 798 railbus included shell only and boxed in a standard Marklin plastic case with trailer.


4. 8802.2- SCHIENENREINIGUNGSWAGEN class 724 rail maintenance railbus for the DB. Build date: 1991-1995.                                                                                                                                            5. 88021- Indusi – Messwagen class 724 rail maintenance railbus for DB AG. Build date: 1999-2010.                                                                                                                                                      6. 8816.5 + 8817- German Federal Railroad (DB) class 798 railbus and class 998 railbus trailer. Five versions of 8816 were produced with subtle design changes in lettering.                                 7. Austrian Federal Railways (OBB) class 5081 railbus and class 6581 railbus trailer. One Time Series 1998. Originally sold with 3 pole motor.


8. 8831- German Federal Railroad (DB) class 798 railbus with advertising for “Jagermeister.” Build date: 1994-2008.                                                                                                                                    9. 88164- Prignitzer Eisenbaum GmbH class 798 railbus and class 998 railbus trailer, privately owned and lettered for Prignitzer Eisenbaum regional rail Berlin. One Time Series 2001. Originally sold to dealer members of Eurotrain/idee-spiel cooperative.                                               10. 88165- Elbe-Weser GmbH (EVB) class 798 railbus and class 998 railbus trailer, privately owned and lettered for Elbe-Weser (EVB), Lower Saxony German regional line. One Time Series 2002. Originally sold to dealer members of Eurotrain/idee-spiel cooperative.


11. 88311- Elmshom-Barmstedt-Oldesloer Railway (EBOE) class VT 98 rail car and class VS 98 control car. Painted with advertising for spirits of the sixties, lettered for “Doornkaat.” Includes two Doornkaat schnapps glasses. One Time Series 2008.                                                                      12. 88313- Deutsche Bundesbahn (DB) class 798 railbus, type Gos-uv 253 box car, and type Gbrs-v 245 box car. Limited production. Released 2010.

Siding: Marklin Z railbuses are easy to repair and upgrade. Check out Marklin Z Repair Notes category.