FR: SJ – Rolling Stock

FR rolling stock like the locos is precision made and precisely designed based on the prototypes. Build characteristics: separately applied details, metal chassis, body of injection molded plastic or metal, pad printing and sometimes decals.  And sometimes weathering is applied in special editions. These are little charmers that are even better in person.

SJ – Statens Jarnvagar freight cars:


FR #46.807.01 – SJ type Lgs container wagon lettered for TOLLPOST GLOBE.

_DSF9235 _DSF9234 _DSF9233

FR #46.810.01 – SJ type Elos hopper lettered for Jarnmalmer. Full metal construction.

_DSF9232 _DSF9231

FR #46.811.01 – SJ type Gbs box car. Full metal construction.


FR #46.811.31 – SJ/Roda Korset, type Gbs box car with weathering. Edition size: 25. Used by Roda Korset (Swedish Red Cross) for transporting used clothing. Full metal construction.

_DSF9237 _DSF9238

FR #46.811.61 – Green Cargo, type Dalm box car. Full metal construction.

_DSF9226 _DSF9227 _DSF9228_DSF9229

FR #46.816.01 – SJ, type Huvvagn Kis950 sliding roof car for transporting steel products. Limited edition: 40. Full metal construction.




FR Locomotives: SJ

Colorful locomotives designed for heavy duty operation in a difficult and unforgiving climate describes train operation in the Sweden. Sweden along with its Scandinavian neighbors have much to contend with as the winter months embrace these countries so of course snow plows are standard equipment and most propulsion is electric generated by hydro-electric plants. I would claim Sweden to be one of the best at climate change sensitivity, not only is the electric generated by turbines in the form of hydroelectric, but their Rc locos don’t last and last and last thereby reducing the impact on the environment from scraping and making more.

The Scandinavian train is found in Marklin’s HO scale, and only covered by them in Z for the MY locos for the DSB. All four versions by Marklin of the NOHAB locos are GREAT! FR has come along and provided an extensive line-up of rolling stock and locos for Scandinavian train enthusiasts including the next three examples:

_DSF9248 _DSF9251 _DSF9250 _DSF9249

FR #46.130.31 – SJ (Statens Jarnvagar – Swedish State Railways), class Rc-2 1103

_DSF9255 _DSF9254 _DSF9253 _DSF9252

FR #46.130.10 – SJ (Statens Jarnvagar – Swedish State Railways), class Rc-2 1037

_DSF9259 _DSF9258 _DSF9257 _DSF9256

FR #46.131.03 – BANVERKET, class ELL0003R

FR Locomotives: Austria

The current production of locomotives by Harald Freudenreich centers around the many variations of the highly successful SJ Rc series locomotives, versions can be seen in the United States driving passenger trains up the Northeast corridor by Metro-North and Amtrak. FR’s production includes numerous SJ examples as well as Austria with the release of 43.130.01 class 1043.03 from the early 70’s.



FR #43.130.01, OBB (Österreichische Bundesbahnen-Austrian Federal Railways), class 1043.03

FR Rc locomotives feature snowplows of two types as appropriate to class, two variations of pantographs depending on class, coreless motors, pad printing, and accurate detailing which yield true variations between the FR Rc’s. I forgot to mention LED’s that change over with direction of travel that also provide realistic lighting in the cab: BRILLIANT! And last but not least, the mirrors are chrome, they are not painted over adding much realism: BRILLIANT!!!

FR just announced a forthcoming release of another Austrian locomotive in ‘Valousek’ paint scheme, I haven’t met anyone who does not like Valousek paint schemes.

But one more FR Austrian loco is class 1043.008 with ‘Jaffa” paint scheme. This one was produced in a very small batch of 12 only, it was only economically feasible for Harald to use decals for this one. Now another choice to haul the Marklin ‘Export’ passenger coach set 87354.

_DSF9261 _DSF9262 _DSF9263 _DSF9264

FR #43.131.11, OBB (Österreichische Bundesbahnen-Austrian Federal Railways), class 1043.008


MSI’s: Marklin 8600 car type

The first MSI using the Marklin 8600 car type is lettered for Carlberg, it was produced in 1977 with Koll’s #77001. The Koll’s catalog states the edition size as 800 which makes the number produced considerable, but this car is none the less rare and seldom offered for sale. The Carlsberg car is not depicted in this collection so a brief description of its appearance is in order, it varies from the regular production model 8608 in that it has red coloration filling in the five small details on the lower green stripe running under logo otherwise the cars are the same. This collection begins with a 1978 car lettered for Atlantik with Koll’s #78701 with edition size of 500.

Click on photos to make larger!


  1. Atlantik, Koll’s #78701, Miba/Monk #024, edition size: 500, released 1978
  2. LBS, Koll’s #78701, Miba/Monk #023, sold as part of a starter set, edition size: 1000
  3. Ehrmann, Koll’s #79501, Miba/Monk #031, edition size: 500, released 1979
  4. Obletter, Koll’s #79503, Miba/Monk #033, edition size: 500, released 1979
  5. MEHR AM MARKT, Koll’s #79504, Miba/Monk #032, edition size: 500, released 1979
  6.  HOCHhERZ, Koll’s #79701, Miba/Monk #029, edition size: 500, released 1979


7. DOERING, Koll’s #80502, edition size: 500, released 1980.                                                               8. EICKELBERG, Koll’s #80503, edition size: 500, released 1980                                                              9. Almighhurt, Koll’s #80701, Miba/Monk #048, edition size: 500, released 1980                              10. BECK’S, originally sold as part of a starter set, Koll’s #81002, Miba/Monk #057, edition size: 100, released 1981                                                                                                                                        11. Modellbahn Pietsch, Koll’s #81502, Miba/Monk #054, edition size: 500, released 1981           12. mollmann, Koll’s #81503, Miba/Monk #055, edition size: 500, released 1981


13. emil weber siegen, Koll’s #81701, Miba/Monk #052, edition size: 500, released 1981            14. Kukident 2-Phasen, Koll’s #82701, Miba/Monk #069, edition size: 500, released 1982         15. Ganser Kolsch, Koll’s #83001, Miba/Monk #084, edition size: 500, released 1983                 16. Dortmunder Actien-Alt, Koll’s #83003, edition size: 500, released 1983                                  17. FIRST, Koll’s #83005, edition size: 500, released 1983                                                                    18. DORTMUNDER UNION BIER, Koll’s #83006, edition size: 500, released 1983


19. Stifts Pils, Koll’s #83007, edition size: 500, released 1983                                                            20. Koppmann, Schmidt, Koll’s #83501, edition size: 500, released 1983                                      21. OKI, Koll’s #84701, edition size: 500, released 1984                                                                       22. FESTO, originally sold as part of starter set 8158, Koll’s #84701, edition size: 100                   23. Circus RONCALLI, Koll’s #84702, Miba/Monk #118, released 1984                                            24. KRAFT NUR GUTES VERDIENT DEN NAMEN KRAFT, originally sold in starter set with car KRAFT Tomaten-Ketchup, Koll’s #84710.1, edition size: 1000

*Special note: MSI – Kraft editions using the Marklin 8500 car type started in 1984 with the only two car set released in the series, this first set included KRAFT NUR GUTES VERDIENT DEN NAMEN KRAFT and KRAFT Tomaten-Ketchup. The Kraft – Marklin series included releases with the Marklin 8500 car type as well as the 8615 car type which can be viewed in the MSI 8615 category. The series was distinguished by the unique design of the packaging which included cardboard sleeve illustrated with differing views of the “Kraft Train”, a styrofoam block was included inside the sleeve that contained the freight car and track accessories. It was possible to assemble a small oval track with sidings after collecting all the Kraft releases. All the Kraft editions are considered quite rare and even more so with the original packaging, but they are occasionally available through German dealers.





25. KRAFT Tomaten-Ketchup, originally sold as part of a starter set 8163 with car KRAFT NUR GUTES VERDIENT DEN NAMEN KRAFT, Koll’s #84710, edition size: 1000 released 1984            26. KRAFT Scheibletten, originally sold as part of a starter set with track accessories, Koll’s #84711, edition size: 1000, released 1984                                                                                              27. Patrizier Brau, Koll’s #85002, edition size: 500, released 1985                                                     28. NOE, Koll’s #85701, Miba/Monk #117, edition size: 100, released 1985                                      29. KRAFT PHILADELPHIA, originally sold as part of a starter set with track accessories, Koll’s #85701, editon size: 1000, released 1985                                                                                               30. KRAFT Knack & Back, originally sold as part of starter set (no track accessories with this release), Koll’s #85702, edition size: 1000, released 1985


31. Kodak, originally sold as part of starter set, Koll’s #85711, edition size: 500                             32. Der IBM Mittelstandsexpreb, Koll’s #86706, edition size: 500, released 1986                        33. Thurn und Taxis Regensberg, Koll’s #86001, edition size: 250, released 1986                        34. Budweizer, Koll’s #86002, edition size: 350, released 1986                                                          35. friesisch-herb JEVER PILSENER (dark green roof), Koll’s #86003.1 (version 1), Miba/Monk #132, released 1986                                                                                                                                    36. friesisch-herb JEVER PILSENER (dark olive roof), Koll’s #86003.2 (version 2), Miba/Monk #133, released 1986


37. sinziger Mineralbrunnen, Koll’s #86004, edition size: 100                                                            38. HACKER-PSCHORR, Koll’s #86006, edition size: 200                                                                        39. Binding Export Privat, Koll’s #86010, Miba/Monk #144, edition size: 100                                  40. CLAUSTHALER Alkoholfrei, Koll’s #86011, Miba/Monk #163, edition size: 200                         41. Moguntia Pils, Koll’s #86013, edition size: 200                                                                                 42. Manzier Bier, Koll’s #86014, edition size: 100


43. FAO SCHWARZ, originally sold by FAO SCHWARZ as part of a starter set, Koll’s #86501, Miba/Monk #289, edition size: 300                                                                                                           44. KRAFT jocca, originally sold as a starter pack with track accessories, Koll’s #86701, edition size: 1000                                                                                                                                            45. marklin CLUB, U.S.A., Koll’s #86703, edition size: 1500                                                                  46. Freedom, 1886-1986, Koll’s #86704, edition size: 500                                                                      47. stephenson, Koll’s #87002, edition size: 100                                                                                      48. Privatbrauerei seit 1842, Koll’s #87003, edition size: 100


49. Schofferhofer Weizen, Koll’s #87006, Miba/Monk #M-227, edition size: 200                               50. Schofferhofer Hefeweizen, Koll’s #87007, edition size: 100                                                            51. BAYERISCHE BRAUEREI KAISERSLAUTERN, Koll’s #87009, edition size: 100                                52. Schultheiss, Koll’s #87013, edition size: 100                                                                                        53. ROMER PILS, Koll’s #87016, Miba/Monk #M-120, edition size: 100                                                 54. BRINKHOFF’S No. 1, Koll’s #87020, edition size: 100


55. OHLIGSER PILS, Koll’s #87021, edition size: 100                                                                                 56. SPATEN, Koll’s #87026, edition size: 100                                                                                               57. RHEINGONHEIMER WEIZENBIER, Koll’s #87030, edition size: 300                                                 58. Braumeisters Kraftmalz, Koll’s #87031, edition size: 100                                                                59. LOWENBRAU, Koll’s #87032, edition size: 100                                                                                    60. Scharlachberg, Koll’s #87033, edition size: 200


61. Carolus, Koll’s #87034, edition size: 100                                                                                               62. Ayinger, Koll’s #87036, Miba/Monk #M-185, edition size: 250                                                         63. Jupiler, Koll’s #87039, edition size: 300                                                                                                 64. Schweppes INDIAN TONIC WATER, Koll’s #87040, edition size: 200                                             65. Schweppes BITTER LEMON, Koll’s #87041, edition size: 200                                                           66. Schweppes BITTER GRAPEFRUIT, Koll’s #87042, edition size: 200


67. Schweppes SODA WATER, Koll’s #87043, edition size: 200                                                              68. Schweppes GINGER ALE, Koll’s #87044, edition size: 200                                                                69. Schweppes BITTER ORANGE, Koll’s 87045, edition size: 200                                                           70. FAO SCHWARZ – 1862-1987 (150 Year Anniversary), Koll’s #87502, Miba/Monk #M-125, edition size: 300                                                                                                                                                71. Spessart Brauerei, Koll’s #88003, edition size: 100                                                                           72. hassia, Koll’s #88009, edition size: 100


73. SUNTORY BEER CAN, Koll’s #88011, edition size: 100                                                                       74. KIRIN, Koll’s #88012, edition size: 100                                                                                                   75. SAPPORO BEER, Koll’s #88013, edition size: 100                                                                                 76. Frankenthaler, Koll’s #88015, edition size: 200                                                                                  77. Hannen Alt, Koll’s #88019, edition size: 200                                                                                        78. Hirter Pils, Koll’s #88020, edition size: 300


79. Tucher, Koll’s #88022, edition size: 100                                                                                                80. Asbach-Uralt, Koll’s #88028, edition size: 200                                                                                     81. afri cola, Koll’s #88029, edition size: 100                                                                                              82. FAO SCHWARZ 1988, Koll’s #88501, Miba/Monk #M-368, edition size: 500                                   83. CHINESISCHER GARTEN, Koll’s #88701, edition size: 100                                                                 84. OSRAM, Koll’s #88701 (*from starter set 8170), edition size: 300


85. Tente Rollen machen beweglich, Koll’s #88702, edition size: 100                                                 86. DEUTSCHLAND, Koll’s #88704, edition size: 100                                                                                 87. DURACELL, Koll’s #88705, edition size: 100                                                                                         88. Haller Lowenbrau, Koll’s #89004, edition size: 100                                                                           89. Underberg, Koll’s #89009, edition size: 500                                                                                         90. CLUB marklin 1989, Koll’s #89711, edition size: 350


91. Canada, marklin Club ’89, Koll’s #89713, edition size: 200                                                              92. BASF TrockenEis, Koll’s #89714, edition size: 300                                                                              *The following cars from 3 car set: “Steirische Brauereien” (Styria Breweries), Koll’s #91001, edition size: 300. Individual cars numbered with Miba/Monk reference numbers.                           93. Gosser (Leoben), Miba/Monk #M-613                                                                                                   94. Reinighaus Bier (Graz), Miba/Monk #M-614                                                                                       95. PUNTIGAMER (Graz), Miba/Monk #M-615                                                                                           96. club marklin 91 TEE, Koll’s #91705, edition size: 500


97. EUROPA ’92, Koll’s #92706, edition size: 200                                                                                       *The following cars from 3 car set: “Henninger Brewery, Koll’s #92001, edition size: 300. Individual cars numbered with Miba/Monk reference numbers.                                                            98. Henninger EXPORT, Miba/Monk #646                                                                                                99. Henninger Diat-Pils, Miba/Monk #647                                                                                               100. Henninger Kaiser Pilsener, Miba/Monk #648                                                                                 101. marklin club ’92, Koll’s #92716, edition size: 1000                                                                        *The following cars from 3 car set: “Weizenbier,Koll’s #93001, edition size: 200. Individual cars numbered with Miba/Monk reference numbers.                                                                             102. Weizenthaler ALKOHOLFREI, Miba/Monk #M-775


103. OBERDORFER WEISSE, Miba/Monk #776                                                                                           104. Alpirsbacher Kloster-Weizen, Miba/Monk #777                                                                             *The following cars from 3 car set: “Stuttgarter Hofbrau, Koll’s #94001, edition size: 300. Individual cars numbered with Miba/Monk reference numbers.                                                            105. Hefe-Weizen, Miba/Monk #864                                                                                                           106. Volksfest Bier, Miba/Monk #865                                                                                                         107. Weihnachts-Brau, Miba/Monk #866                                                                                                  108. SUPER-WAHLJAHR 1994, Koll’s #94703, edition size: 500


109. Rotkappchen, Koll’s #95006, edition size: 300                                                                                  110. Hasseroder Premium Pils, Koll’s #96005, edition size: 300                                                           111. 25 Jahre mini-club 1972-1997, 1997 Club Car, Marklin #8657.014, Miba/Monk #M-1085    112. piestinger, Marklin #8600.071, Miba/Monk #M-1208                                                                      113. Transportation Corps U.S. Army, 1998 Club Car, Marklin #8600.069, Miba/Monk #M-1167 114. marklin 140 Years, 1999 Club Car, Marklin #8600.086, Miba/Monk #M-1291


115. Schofferhofer Weizen, Marklin #98019, Miba/Monk #M-1359, released 2000                    116. Sauerlander Winter, Marklin #98039, Miba/Monk #M-1455, released 2002                         117. LEEUW BIER – Valkenburg, Marklin #8600.137, Miba/Monk #M-1575, released 2003

MSI’s: Marklin 8615 car type

The container wagon 8615 has been in the Marklin line-up for many years. Marklin’s earliest 8615 special imprint model was produced in 1979, it was lettered for Germany’s largest malt roaster WEISSHEIMER MALZ with Koll’s #79701 in the stated edition of 100. Lettering on this car is on the roof panel otherwise the car is unmarked and painted yellow. As a note of reference this car was not reproduced by the Koll’s catalogs and this maybe this first photo posted of it online:

*Touch photos to enlarge!


Other cars that followed were Kraft cars that were packed with unique packaging: illustrated cardboard sleeve with an inserted block of styrofoam containing the car and usually some type of track accessory. If you collected all the Kraft editions you would be able to assemble a small oval track with sidings. This includes the Kraft Editions with Marklin type 8615 printed by Marklin.

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The order of chronology for the 8615 Kraft cars began with KRAFT Mayonnaise.


  1. KRAFT Mayonnaise, Koll’s #84701, edition: 500, released: 1984
  2. KRAFT Miracoli, Koll’s #84702, edition: 500, released: 1984
  3. FRAPAN, Koll’s #85701, edition: 500, released: 1985
  4. KRAFT – VELVETA, Koll’s #85702, edition: 500, released: 1985
  5. KRAFT Miracel Whip, Koll’s #85703, edition: 500, released: 1985


6. Weissheimer Malz, Koll’s #79701, Miba/Monk #M-028, edition size: 100                                        7. Kodak, Koll’s #85711, edition size: 500 *sold as part of starter set                                                   8. VIESSMANN, Koll’s #86702, Miba/Monk #M-145, edition size: 100                                                    9. Privatbrauerei Their Dortmund, Koll’s #87001, edition size: 200                                                    10. 150 Jahre Eisenbahn in Osterreich, Koll’s #87502, edition size: 500                                             11. AL Loulakis, Koll’s #87708, Miba/Monk #M-173, edition size: 300


12. Bison, Koll’s #87709, edition size: 500                                                                                                   13. Karl Bissinger, Koll’s #87710, edition size: 100                                                                                   14. LANDIS & GYR, Koll’s 87712, edition size: 200                                                                                     15. Mars, Koll’s #87713, edition size: 800                                                                                                    16. Farymann Diesel, Koll’s #87714, Miba/Monk #M-254, edition size: 200                                        17. SAROTTI, Koll’s #87715, edition size: 300


18. MAXI MALZ, Koll’s #88001, edition size: 100                                                                                        19. PEPSI LIGHT, Koll’s #88003, edition size: 100                                                                                       20. SCHLADERER, Koll’s #88005, edition size: 100                                                                                     21. Schmucker Bier, Koll’s #88007, edition size: 100                                                                               22. Birkel, Koll’s #88711, edition size: 100                                                                                                  23. Hamburg-Mannheimer, Koll’s #88715, Miba/Monk #M-266, edition size: 100


24. Hochtief, Koll’s #88716, edition size: 100                                                                                            25. Philipp Holzmann, Koll’s #88717, edition size: 100                                                                            26. Texas Instruments: TMS320C30 DSP – 33 Mio, rote Aufschr.                                                       Signale/Sekunde Electronica 88 (car features black text: “Texas                                                         Instruments”), Koll’s #88720, edition size: 300                                                                                           27. Texas Instruments: TMS320C30 DSP – 33 Mio, rote Aufschr.                                                 Signale/Sekunde Electronica 88 (car features red text: “Texas                                                            Instruments”), Koll’s #88721, edition size: 300                                                                                           28. SCHINDLER-CHEMIE, Koll’s #88722, edition size: 100                                                                        29. Persil, Koll’s #89701, edition size: 500


30. STP, Koll’s #89703, edition size: 200                                                                                                       31. SWG, Koll’s #89704, edition size: 200                                                                                                     32. TIEK MASCHINEBAU, Koll’s #89707, Miba/Monk #M-382, edition size: 100                                  33. HEIM, Koll’s #89712, edition size: 100                                                                                                   34. PALMERS, Koll’s #89712, edition size: 500                                                                                            35. Vierzig Jahre Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Koll’s #90709, edition size: 200


36. dallah, Koll’s #90710, edition size: 100                                                                                                 37. H. Bahlsen Hannover, Koll’s #90714, edition size: 500                                                                     38. Herder, Koll’s #91704, edition size: 100                                                                                                *The following cars were sold in a three car set: The Automobile Companies                                  of France. Marklin #88126, Koll’s #92706, edition size: 1000. Released 1992.                                     Distributed to Marklin dealers in the United States, Canada and France.                                             Individual cars are numbered with Miba/Monk reference numbers                                                      39. RENAULT, Miba/Monk #M-736                                                                                                               40. CITROEN, Miba/Monk #M-734                                                                                                                41. PEUGEOT, Miba/Monk #M-735


42. TIEK, Koll’s #92707, Miba/Monk #M-669, edition size: 100                                                                43. MITSUBISHI PAJERO, Koll’s #92710, edition size: 100                                                                        44. EUROPA ’92, Koll’s #92711, edition size: 200                                                                                       45. 90 Jahre Harley-Davidson: 1903-1993, Koll’s #93706, edition size: 1000                                      46. HERMA, Koll’s #94723, edition size: 100                                                                                               47. IBM (spelled using pictogram: ‘eye’ ‘bee’ ‘M’), originally sold as part of starter set which included ‘IBM’ pin and tag along with loco and track. Marklin #8180 S, Koll’s #95701, edition size: 300. *Featured on cover of “Koll’s Spezial Katalog 1997.”


48. 150 Jahre Eisenbahnen in Wurttemberg, Koll’s #95713, edition size: 1000                                49. Rolls Royce 90 Jahre, Koll’s #95714, edition size: 600                                                                       50. Maybach Motonenbau…150 Geburtstag von Wilhelm Maybach, Koll’s #96711, edition size: 1000                                                                                                                                                          51. ALNO die Welt der Kuche, Koll’s #96712, edition size: 100                                                            52. Carl Zeiss, 150 Jahre, Marklin #8615.008, Miba/Monk #M-999                                                      53. Carl Zeiss, Partnerschaft auf lange Sicht, Marklin #8615.016, Koll’s #96715, Miba/Monk #M-1007, edition size: 100


54. B&O Chartered 1827, Miba/Monk #M-1085, released 1997                                                             55. Miele, Miba/Monk #M-1188, released 1998                                                                                         56. digital, Marklin #8617.068, Miba/Monk #M-1279, released 1999, lettered with Digital Equipment Corporation’s 1993 logo                                                                                                             57. W 02-02-02 M, Marklin #8617.103, Miba/Monk #M-1490, released 2002, car celebrates the 2002 wedding of Prince Alexander and Princess Maxima of Holland

Industry Prints

Industry Prints are Marklin freight wagons designed and painted by private enterprises. Modellbahn Freund, St. Louis, MO imported and sold these cars, the plastic boxes for cars sold by Modellbahn Freund were affixed a label with this stores name and address. Sometimes collectors have suggested Modellbahn Freund commissioned these cars, and they were printed in the United States, this is a mistake; all ‘Industry Prints’ were printed in Germany by Baur-Druck Bad, Waldsee and sold by Schmidt, Germany. Cars were distributed in the United States and Germany. The earliest ‘Industry Print’ in this collection is a gondola from 1983.

Further research can be found at, much of the information given in this post was kindly provided by this organization. *Information provided has been provided after much research, new details and corrections will be made as more is learned about these cars.

Click on pictures for larger views:



1. Altglas ist Rohstoff mit oder ohne Glasbeladung, gondola with load of glass for recycling, 1983

2. Old Heidelberg BEER  Blatz MILWAUKEE, WIS. (ocker), 1983 *color variations of this car exist in gold, silver and white

3. Gatzweilers Alt (Haus rechts), 1983

4. HOCHDORFER BIER Goldstern (blau), 1985

5. Schwarzkopf, 1986

6. Bass Ale, 1986 Distribution: Germany 40 and United States 140


7. Chihuahua MEXICAN BEER (weib), 1986 Edition: 140

8. Coors Light, 1986


10. Labatt’s BEER Canadian BIERE, 1986 Edition: 100

11. MICHELOB BEER, 1986 Edition: 125

12. Miller High Life



13. Miller HIGH LIFE

14. Miller Genuine Draft


16. Pabst Blue Ribbon The Real Taste of Beer, 1986 Edition: 180

17. TSINGTAO BEER, 1986 Edition: 170

18. REINZ Dichtungs-Prazision weltweit, 1987



20. GURTEN BIER (silber), 1988

21. INTERFRIGO mit oder ohne DB-Zeichen, 1988 Schmidt #116

22. INTER FRIGO Basel (weib), 1988


24. VW Volkswagen – da weib man, was man hat (gold), 1988


25. VW Volswagen – da weib man, was man hat (weib Emblem hell – oder dunkelblau), 1988

26. Worb Brauerei egger bier (weib), 1988

27. Ulmer MunsterBier (weibes Band), 1988

28. VOHRINGER & KOPP Internationale Spedition (weib), 1989

29. Friedrichshafen Zeppelin (silber – weib), 1992

30. Eichbaum Pilsener Eichkrone Seit 1679 (weib), 1996 Nicknamed “Corpse Beer,” because the brewery is located next to a cemetery.

SMI – 8656: Hbis car type

Marklin special imprints pertaining to the Hbis car type with few exceptions are of Swiss origin. Car type is SBB Hbis. And with few exceptions produced in an edition size of 300 total.


1. Roland Zweiback (two sided – opposite: Roland Sticks), Marklin #88656.1, Koll’s #93701, Miba/Monk #791. Released 1993.

2. Feldscholosschen Bier, Marklin #88657.1, Miba/Monk #824.

3. Dunkle Perle, Marklin #88657.1, Miba/Monk #825.

4. Hopfenperle, Marklin #88657.1, Miba/Monk #826.

*2-4 originally sold as a three car set: 3 beers brewed by Feldschlosschen Brewery, Rheinfelden, Switzerland. Released 1994.

5. CARGO DOMICILE, Marklin #88656.6, Koll’s #94701, Miba/Monk #880.

6. Kaselocher – “Swiss Cheese”, Marklin #88656.5, Koll’s #94702.


7. Haco FARMER I, dunkel ohne Wagendaten, Marklin #88656.4, Koll’s #94703, Miba/Monk #868. Released 1994.

8. PEPSI, Marklin #88657.2, Koll’s #95001, Miba/Monk #883. Released 1995.

9. Schweppes, Marklin #88657.4, Koll’s #95002, Miba/Monk #918. Released 1995.

10. rivella (two sided – opposite: GRAPILLON), Marklin #88657.5, Koll’s #95003, Miba/Monk #995.

11. PTT – Post Schweiz – LA POSTE/ LA POSTA/ DIE POST, Marklin #88656.7, Koll’s #95701, Miba/Monk #940.

12. FONTESSA ELM, Marklin #88657.8, Koll’s #96002, Miba/Monk #967.



13. Ovomaltine, Marklin #88657.9, Koll’s #96003, Miba/Monk #1027.

14. Maggi, Marklin #8657.007, Koll’s #96705, Miba/Monk #1015.

15. sihl + eika papier, Marklin #88656.8, Koll’s #96706, Miba/Monk #966.

16. JURA-SEL AUS DER SCHWEIZ, Marklin #88657.7, Koll’s #96708, Miba/Monk #996.

17. EPA, Marklin #88657.11, Koll’s #96709, Miba/Monk #1016.

18. SULZER BULACHGUSS, Marklin #88657.6, Koll’s #96711, Miba/Monk #1028.


19. Schindler Waggon, Marklin #88657.10, #Miba/Monk #1047.

20. Sihl papier, Marklin #8657.904, Miba/Monk #1048.

21. CFL – ohne Werbeplakate, Marklin #82151.1, Miba/Monk #1049.

22. CFL – mit Werbeplakaten, Marklin #82151.2, Miba/Monk #1050.

23. CFL – mit BW-Motiv, Marklin #82151.3, Miba/Monk #1051.

*21-22 originally sold as a three car set: CFL – Luxembourg Car Set.

24. DANZAS, Marklin #8656.902, Miba/Monk #1068.


25. MIDOR, Marklin #8657.905, Miba/Monk #1079.

26. HENNIEZ, Marklin #8656.900, Miba/Monk #1089.

27. Monte Generoso, Marklin #8657.901, Miba/Monk #1099.

28. Hurlimann, Marklin #8657.907, Miba/Monk #1100.

29. DENNER SUPERDISCOUNT, Marklin #8657.900, Miba/Monk #1119.

30. RiCHiNA TRASPORTi, Marklin #8657.909, Miba/Monk #1134.


31. Bahnruhling SBB, Marklin #8656.903, Miba/Monk #1135.

32. BIERE VALAISANNE, WALLISER BIER, Marklin #8657.910, Miba/Monk #1136.

33. Wie fahrt man Gut? (two sided – opposite: Qui va bon train?), Marklin #8657.908, Miba/Monk #1157.

34. Swisscom Unterwegs zu neuen Horizonten, Marklin #8657.911, Miba/Monk #1172.

35. ascom verbindet Menschen (two sided – opposite: ascom relie les hommes), Marklin #8657.916, Miba/Monk #1230.

36. Spanish Brotli Bahn Chrom, Marklin #8656.905, Miba/Monk #1232.


37. Usego III, Marklin #8656.901, Miba/Monk #1233.

38. 100 Jahre DB Museum (pressegeschenk – press gift), Marklin #8657.026, Released 1999 to celebrate 100 year anniversary of DB Museum.

39. Knorr Chirat, Marklin #8657.914, Miba/Monk #1234.

40. Happy Birthday, Marklin #8657.915, released 1999.

41. PTT Union, Marklin #8657.917, Miba/Monk #1238.

42. Lindt 1845, Marklin #88656.9, Miba/Monk #1241.


43. Sinalco, Marklin #8656.910, Miba/Monk #1296.

44. Cargo Domizil (two sided – opposite: Cargo Domicilio), Marklin #8656.909, Miba/Monk #1297.

45. VMB – VEREINIGTE MINERALWASSER AG, Marklin #8656.913, Miba/Monk #1312.

46. COOP – ARNI, Marklin #1998.1.1, Miba/Monk #1137.

47. COOP – GALA, Marklin #1998.1.2, Miba/Monk #1138.

48. COOP – Picanta, Marklin #1998.1.3, Miba/Monk #1139.

*46-48 originally released as three car set in 1998.


49. Bischofszell MIGROS – Gutes aus der Schweiz, Marklin #8657.919, Miba/Monk #1344.

50. Haco FARMER III (grun), Marklin #8657.921, Miba/Monk #1362.

51. EICHHOF (two sided: pictured side depicts bottle of Eichhof Klosterbrau with amber background – not pictured side depicts bottle of Eichhof Braugold with deep blue background), Marklin #8657.922, Miba/Monk #1363.

52. Maggi II, Marklin #8656.916, Miba/Monk #1368, released 2000.

53. FELDSCHLOSSCHEN – Das Leben macht durstig, Marklin #8656.917, Miba/Monk #1388. Released 2001.

54. COOP naturaplan, Marklin #8657.924, Miba/Monk #1428, released 2001.


55. GURTEN BIER, Marklin #8657.925, Miba/Monk #1429, released 2001.

56. Wir bewegen. 25 Jahre Rangierbahnhof Limmattal, Marklin #8656.925, Miba/Monk #1587, Released 2003.

Marklin Special Imprints – MSI’s – Introduction

Marklin produced special imprints cars and locos since the 1970’s in limited editions. This section will document many of these items categorized by car type and chronological order. Chronology and details concerning each are based on the two “Koll’s Spezial Katalog’s” from 1996 and 1997 as well as the well known archive of Gilles Monk. The Koll’s catalogs listed each item by car type in sections starting with the earliest and ending with those produced up to and including 1997, with few exceptions it is a nearly complete record for “mini-club’s” first 25 years. All ‘Z’ items listed in the Koll’s catalogs are numbered by a unique number assigned by the authors of the Koll’s catalogs: first two digits correspond to the release date followed by a sequence of numbers corresponding to chronology of release in a given year. Gilles Monk without question is the world leader in collecting Marklin Z, he is officially recognized with this title by the Guinness Book of World Records, it is quite a feat that one person has been able to collect all releases of special imprints. For the public record Mr. Monk has generously made available his list of special imprints in chronological order which correspond to his unique numbering system. There are some discrepancies with chronology between Koll and Monk for releases within a given year, but each is in agreement for release years; photographs depict the order presented in the Koll’s catalogs. The photographs that I provide depict my collection which is not complete, as my research continues I will upgrade details about other cars not currently in the collection. Very few photos exist of SMI’s, they were never documented in catalogs by Marklin. The internet provides scant photo review of these wonderful cars. And if you have the Koll’s catalogs they only presented good black and white photos of most not all cars. For the first time I hope to help other collectors of SMI’s see these graphic and wonderful cars in full color. As a point of reference I have made every attempt at providing accurate information, some details may change over time based on my continued research.

Statens Järnvägar or SJ – Swedish State Railways an introduction!

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Two hat Badges for the Swedish State Railways include a late 19th century example in gold thread with the “Three Crowns” and a 1950’s example in heavy pressed brass.

Founded in the late 19th century (1887), Swedish State Railways known as Statens Järnvägar or SJ was a government owned railway company that discontinued operations in 2001. Today the Swedish government owns three divisions of SJ assets: SJ AB (passenger), Green Cargo (freight) and Jernhusen (real estate holdings). In 1887 steam locomotives ruled the rails for the first 28 years of SJ’s history. In response to Sweden’s dependence on imported coal for steam trains a successful proposal was made to electrify Sweden’s iron ore line at Malmbanan with electricity produced through hydroelectric generation, its source would be the Porjus Power Plant. In 1915 the first complete electrified rail line in Sweden was operational. For 101 years electric locomotives have hauled freight and passenger trains throughout Sweden,  but diesel locomotives are also used for freight hauling, shunting, and specialized locomotives including snow removal; Harald Freudenreich of FR is soon to release an exciting example in ‘Z’ of a specialized snow plow diesel locomotive class Tc/DLL:

Two famous locomotive builders from Sweden include: NOHAB ((Nydqvist & Holm AB), Trollhättan and ASEA (Allmänna Svenska Elektriska Aktiebolaget), Västerås each disbanded in 1979 and 1988 respectively. NOHAB’s first trains were steam, but they later built diesel/electric locomotives with licensing from the Electro-Motive Division of General Motors characterized by their resemblance to the American F7. Marklin has produced 4 exquisite examples of this NOHAB series in Z: 88630 (SNCB), 88631 (CFL), 88632 (DSB Era V), and 88633 (DSB Era III). Please note all 4 locos were limited release “One Time Series”, they are highly sought after. ASEA produced two very successful electric locomotives with one type still in use today: SJ RA and SJ Rc. The SJ RA has a characteristic design that suggests the American F7, built in 1955-1961 with two designations: “Express” and “Rapid”.  FR produced a limited release (32 units in total of the Express), it is sold out and hard to find, FR will be producing the “Rapid” later in 2016 which will surely become very collectible and sought after. The second ASEA locomotive type that is in widespread use in Sweden is the Rc series with numerous variations that follow a numbering system of Rc1- Rc7 respectively. The RC prototype locomotive has endured as a reliable electric motive design incorporating thyristor controls. Amtrak and MetroNorth have used variants of the Rc in the United States. Marklin has produced models of the Rc series in HO, but FR rules ‘Z’ with a broad range of variants of the Rc in Z surpassing anything Marklin has yet produced in HO. FR’s soon to be released Rc6  in ‘BlueX’ paint scheme is a striking example of a late series variant of the prototype.



Intro. for new collectors: European freight train consist

Advanced or experienced train people need not read this brief introduction about assembling a train consist, but for those new to European trains modeled by Marklin and others an introduction is a helpful way to get you started. First their are two types of freight trains designated as ‘unit’ or ‘mixed freight’. Unit trains are comprised of similar car types hauling one type of freight, unit trains of hoppers typically haul minerals such as gravel or coal as well as tank cars hauling liquid or gas. Mixed freight trains are made up of various car types: tank cars, container cars, flat cars with machinery loads and numerous others. In the United States freight trains may comprise rolling stock of various railroads as well as cross border cars from Canada, but in Europe freight trains frequently pass from one country’s border to the next and often times include cars that vary from the country of origin. European trains are shorter in length compared to a 100+ car train set you might see crossing the ‘Great Plains’ in the United States. In creating an accurate train consist based on European prototypes keep in mind correct Era’s attributed to cars by Marklin. And consider including not just German rolling stock in your train set.